Post by TyronePost by bertietaylor (bertietaylor)Was the US flag made of paper? Crunched up, placed on a stick? Is that
how it is done in the US?
Yes, it was VERY crunched up AND held in place by a horizontal rod attached to
the vertical rod. It was crunched up because there is very little spare space
on the ship to carry extra stuff to the moon. It was not "rolled up" or
"neatly folded".
Without the horizontal rod, it would have just been hanging down because there
The Union Flag of the UKland can be hung "upside-down". I have a
neighbour whose flag I suspect has been erected in this unfortunate
condition. I'm not entirely sure and I don't want to annoy her by
suggesting it until I am.
I'm not sure because, even on Earth in the windy lands of England in
UKland, catching the flag when it is being blown flat and unfolded
standing straight out from the pole is bloody difficult.
Our winds are not that consistent. Nor that strong. Not for long. Not
without snow, hail and rain accompanying them most of the time.
Having a pretend lunar flag in a studio stand flat out for long
enough to have photos taken would be a minor miracle of Property
Mastery and Special Effects or evidence of several major weather
The Hoaxers are stupid.
Post by TyroneIf you had 2 brain cells to rub together, you could figure out that how things
are done on the moon does not necessarily apply to how things are done in the
There was a TV serial called "Battlestar Galactica". In it, politics
was such that "the Press" were allowed access to "the President" and
were permitted to yell and yammer and bloviate as though they were
late 20th Century USAliens.
This was *Science* *Fiction* supposedly about alien cultures
thousands of years and many, many light years separated from the
politics of 20th Century USAlia yet the writers could not even
consider that the culture might have been more like that of the
Chaldeans or the Mayans or even late 20th Century North Korea than
that of their homeland and era.
"B.G." was, essentially, Washington, D.C. on a boat. They could have,
and many, many other serials *have*, set the identical stories,
struggles and procedures in any town on Earth in the 20th Century
without changing very much of the dialogue. It was "The West Wing"
with a smaller Prsss Corps.
My point is that even with advisors who should have been able to do
better, professional writers were unable to create anything but the
milieu in which they were then immersed. People are not very smart nor
very creative.
Given that those writers probably went to school at least for a while
and that the Berties of the world probably never did, never can and
never will, it is hardly surprising that the Berties are so sad, tiny
minded and stupid.
What is most pitiful is that they are unwilling to ever learn.
They will live their entire lives in a small, cramped, dark,
windowless world of hate and fear and loss and never see the beauty
and wonders of the real universe.
They will miss out on so very much magic.
I pity them all.
Post by TyroneAGAIN, a still photo does not show motion. How you assume this motion is
happening is simply astonishing. There are multiple photos taken
seconds/minutes apart. The flag is in the exact same position in each photo.
It is not moving at all.
"In space, all motion is relative." Dr. Mackay, Pegasus Galaxy.
Post by TyroneYou are an idiot troll. I am done with you. I have better things to do than
argue with children.
No, you do not.
Sorry to contradict you but arguing with children is fun, educational
and extremely worthwhile. They even *learn* from us. I know that I did
on the exceptionally rare occasions when my information sources were
wrong and an adult pointed me to better ones.
Children *love* learning. They think it's fun.
Willfully ignorant adults such as Berties, priests, politicians,
"strong men" and others do not. They *hate* admitting being wrong.
They *hate* admitting to not knowing. It takes millimetres (which they
can't spare) from their members every time they do either.
Berties can't admit to knowing less about physics, optics, history or
just about anything else than someone else does so they *must* be *IN*
*THE* *KNOW* with superior knowledge that only the super-clever,
super-educated select few will ever learn.
And once they have entered that event horizon, it is impossible to
de-program them. Their very ego structure depends upon them being
better than us. Take, as an example, a Stalin, to whom *any*
disagreement was treason, treachery, mutiny and ever so slightly
offensive. Berties are simply minor Stalins without the charisma,
charm or intellectual powers.
Just like a priest or a cop. They can't admit to being wrong. Not
ever. It would crush them.
Little children will soak up Science like dehydrated sponges for
weeks without a strain or a pause. Berties, priests, "strong men" and
politicians can't even admit to not knowing anything.
Catch them young and you'll never *have* Berties.