Heinlein and 'spanking'
(too old to reply)
2008-01-24 22:01:08 UTC
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.

(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)


From: "kessily" <***@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 22:15:50 -0500
Local: Sat, Nov 19 2005 7:15 pm
Subject: THE finished HEINLEIN spanking bibliography

After a lot of work I've finally finished the complete list of spankings
that appear in the work of Robert A. Heinlein. I had neglected to post the
finished copy, and now, following my own rule of posting something positive
and spanking orientated to counteract my recent negative posts, I am

It will be available online at Cfpublications sometime in the near future.
* * *

I have just finished the process of rereading every Heinlein book, and
making note of every major reference to spanking or spanking scene that I
came across. There are a few smaller mentions, which I am not going to
bother to note since they were very short and there are so many. Heinlein
was, for instance, very fond of the phrase "Mama spank." and it was used
frequently. Some of those are mentioned, but not all.

The quotes and scenes are, to my knowledge, exact (barring any typos). In
most circumstance, when the reference was in the middle of a section or
paragraph, I have done my best to include the whole paragraph. As much as
possible has been included, but of course, it is always better to read the
whole book and see it in context.

A lot of his stories have been reprinted in several different collections. I
have usually noted that the story was also found in other books. This list
does not include any Non-Fiction works by Heinlein, such as Tramp Royale. As
far as I know there are no references in those works. If you know of any
Sci-Fi or Fantasy novels by Robert A. Heinlein, which are not listed on this
page, I would appreciate hearing about it! ***@aol.com

Please bear in mind that the page numbers may differ between editions, but
all books listed here are paperbacks unless otherwise noted, so the
differences should be negligible.

The books included are:
Farmer in the Sky
Starship Troopers
Starman Jones
Citizen of the Galaxy
Puppet Masters
Beyond This Horizon
Have Spacesuit Will Travel
Methuselah's Children
Rocketship Galileo
Between Planets
Farnham's Freehold
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Orphans of the Sky
I will Fear no Evil
Space Cadet
Double Star
Glory Road
Tunnel in the Sky
Time for the Stars
JOB: A Comedy of Justice
Red Planet
The Day After Tomorrow (Originally published as Sixth Column)
Assignment in Eternity
The Number of the Beast
Sixth Column
The Menace from Earth
Waldo & Magic, Inc.
Stranger In A Strange Land
Podkayne of Mars
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
The Worlds of Robert Heinlein
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
The Rolling Stones
Time Enough for Love
Door Into Summer
Expanded Universe
The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
The Best of Robert Heinlein
Three by Heinlein
Tomorrow the Stars
The Past Through Tomorrow
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Green Hills of Earth

Farmer in the Sky (1950)

Pg. 61
"Dad considered it and said, "Mmm...no, he's a constitutional monarch. But
he's a monarch all right."
"You mean we have to bow down to him and say 'Your Majesty'?" Peggy wanted
to know.
Molly said, "I don't think that would be advisable, Peg."
"Why not? I think it would be fun."
Molly smiled, "Well, let me know how you make out. I suspect he will just
turn you over his knee and paddle you."
"Oh, he wouldn't dare! I'd scream."
I wasn't so sure. I remembered those four hundred million miles of dirty
dishes. I decided that if the Captain said 'frog' I'd hop.

Starship Troopers (1959)
Pg. 52
"Did your school have a course in History and Moral Philosophy?"
"What? Sure-yes, sir."
"Then you've heard the answer. But I'll give you my own-unofficial-views on
it. If you wanted to teach a baby a lesson, would you cut its head off?"
"Why...no, sir!"
"Of course not. You'd paddle it. There can be circumstances when it's just
as foolish to hit an enemy city with and H-bomb as it would be to spank a
baby with an ax."

Pg. 62
"The court sentences you," he went on, while I felt sick, "to ten lashes and
a Bad Conduct Discharge."

Pg. 63
I had never seen a flogging. Back home, while they do it in public of
course, they do it in back of the Federal Building- and father had given me
strict orders to stay away from there. I tried disobeying him on it
once...but it was postponed and I never tried to see one again.
Once is too many.
The guards lifted his arms and hooked the manacles over a big hook high up
on the post. Then they took his shirt off and it turned out it was fixed so
that it could come off and he didn't have an undershirt. The adjutant said
crisply, "Carry out the sentence of the court."
A corporal-instructor from some other battalion stepped forward with the
whip. The sergeant of the Guard made the count.
It's a slow count, five seconds between each one and it seems like much
longer. Ted didn't let out a peep until the third, then he sobbed.

Pg. 64
I had been marked "Duty," and I had that letter from my mother preying on my
mind, and every time I closed my eyes I would hear that crack! And see Ted
slump against the whipping post.

Pg. 86
Major Mallow said, "Then we'll try administrative punishment," turned to me
and said: "five lashes."

Pg. 86 (farther down)
The order read: "-in simulated combat, gross negligence which would in
action have caused the death of a teammate." Then they peeled off my shirt
and strung me up.
Now here is a very odd thing: a flogging isn't as hard to take as it is to
watch. I don't mean it's a picnic. It hurts worse than anything else I've
ever had happen to me, and the waits between stroked are worse than the
strokes themselves. But the mouthpiece did help and the only yelp I let out
never got past it.
Here's the second off thing: Nobody even mentioned it to me, not even the
other boots. So far as I could see, Zim and the instructors treated me
exactly the same afterwards as they had before. From the instant the doctor
painted the marks and told me to go back to duty it was all done with,

Pg. 87
There were other floggings but darn few. Hendrick was the only man in our
regiment to be flogged by sentence of court-martial; the others were
administrative punishment like mine, and for lashes it was necessary to go
all the way up to the Regimental Commander-which a subordinate commander
finds distasteful, to put it faintly. Even then, Major Malloy was much more
likely to kick the man out, "Undesirable Discharge," than to have the
whipping post erected. In a way, administrative flogging is the mildest sort
of compliment; it means that your superiors think that there is a faint
possibility that you just might have the character eventually to make a
soldier and a citizen, unlikely as it seems at the moment.
I was the only one to get the maximum administrative punishment; none of
the others got more than three lashes. Nobody else came as close as I did to
putting on civilian clothes but still squeaked by. This is a social
distinction of sorts. I don't recommend it.

Pg. 92
"These children were often caught; police arrested batches each day. Were
they scolded? Yes, often scathingly. Were their noses rubbed in it? Rarely.
News organs and officials usually kept their names secret-in many places the
law so required for criminals under eighteen. Were they spanked? Indeed not!
Many had never been spanked even as small children; there was a widespread
belief that spanking, or any other punishment involving pain, did a child
permanent psychic damage."
(I had reflected that my father must never have heard of that theory)
"Corporal punishment in schools was forbidden by law," he had gone on.
"Flogging was lawful as sentence of court only in one small province,
Delaware, and there only for a few crimes and was rarely invoked; it was
regarded as 'cruel and unusual punishment.'" Dubois had mused aloud, "I do
not understand objections to 'cruel and unusual' punishment. While a judge
should be benevolent in purpose, his awards should cause the criminal to
suffer, else there is no punishment- and pain is the basic mechanism built
into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards our survival. Why
should society refuse to use such a highly perfected survival mechanism?
However, that period was loaded with pre-scientific pseudo-psychological
"As for 'unusual,' punishment must be unusual or it serves no purpose."
He then pointed his stump at another boy. "What would happen if a puppy were
spanked every hour?"
"Uh...it would probably drive him crazy!"
"Probably. It certainly will not teach him anything. How long has it
been since the principal of the school last had to switch a pupil?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. About two years. The kid that swiped-"
"Never mind. Long enough. It means that such punishment is so unusual
as to be significant, to deter, to instruct. Back to these young criminals-
They probably were not spanked as babies; they certainly were not flogged
for their crimes. The usual sequence was: for first time offense, a
warning-a scolding, often without trial. After several offenses a sentence
of confinement but with sentence suspended and the youngster placed on
probation. A boy might be arrested many times and convicted several times
before he was punished- and then it would be merely confinement, with others
like him from whom he learned still more criminal habits. If he kept out of
major trouble while confined, he could usually evade most of even that mild
punishment, be given probation-'paroled' in the jargon of the time.
"This incredible sequence could go on for years while his crimes
increased in frequency and viciousness, with no punishment whatever save for
rare dull-but-comfortable confinements. Then suddenly, usually by law on his
eighteenth birthday, this so-called 'juvenile delinquent' becomes an adult
criminal-and sometimes wound up in only weeks or months in a death cell
awaiting execution for murder. You-"
He had singled me out again. "Suppose you merely scolded your puppy,
never punished him, let him go on making messes in the house...and
occasionally locked him up in an outbuilding but soon let him back into the
house with a warning not to do it again. Then one day you notice that he is
now a grown dog and still not housebroken-whereupon you whip out a gun and
shoot him dead. Comment, please?"
"Why...that's the craziest way to raise a dog I ever heard of!"
"I agree, or a child. Whose fault would it be?"
"Uh...why, mine, I guess.
"Again I agreed. But I'm not guessing."
"Mr. Dubois," a girl blurted out, "but why? Why didn't they spank little
kids when they needed it and use a dose of the strap on any older ones who
deserved it-the sort of lesson they wouldn't forget! I mean ones who did
things really bad. Why not?"
"I don't know," he had answered grimly, "except that the time-tested method
of instilling social virtue and respect for law in the minds of the young
did not appeal to a pre-scientific pseudo-professional class who called
themselves 'social workers' or sometimes 'child psychologists.' It was too
simple for them, apparently, since anybody could do it, using only the
patience and firmness needed in training a puppy. I have sometimes wondered
if they cherished a vested interest in disorder-but that is unlikely; adults
almost always act from the conscious 'highest motives' no matter what their
"But-good heavens!" the girl answered. "I didn't like being spanked any
more than any kid does, but when I needed it, my mama delivered. The only
time I ever got a switching in school I got another one when I got home- and
that was years and years ago. I don't ever expect to be hauled up in front
of a judge and sentences to a flogging; you behave yourself and such things
don't happen. I don't see anything wrong with out system; it's a lot better
than not being able to walk outdoors for fear or your life-why, that's

Starman Jones (1953)
Montgomery's face became coldly malignant. "Now you've gone too far. I'm
afraid you've earned a taste of the strap." His fingers started unbuckling
his heavy belt.
Max took a step backward. Montgomery got the belt loose and took a step
forward. Nellie squealed, "Monty! Please!"
"Keep out of this Nellie." To Max he said, "We might as well get it settled
once and for all who is boss around here. Apologize!"
Max did not answer. Montgomery repeated, "Apologize and we'll say no more
about it." He twitched the belt like a cat lashing its tail. Max took
another step back; Montgomery took another step forward and grabbed at him.

Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)

Pg. 58
"Don't be giving me orders in my own bedroom. Overgrown and unspanked you
are, if I knew that old scamp you lived with.

Pg. 110
As they stepped clear of the hoist a baby Losian came streaking up, circled
and sniffed their legs. Captain Krausa let the little thing investigate him,
then said mildly, "That's enough," and gently pushed it away. Its mother
whistled it back, picked it up and spanked it.

The Puppet Masters (1979)
Pg. 50
"Nurse," he said, "get this man a pair of shorts. I'm restoring him to
Doris faced up to him like a banty hen. "You may be the big boss, but you
can't give orders here. The doctor will.."
"Stow it!" he said. "And get those drawers."
He picked her up, swung her around, paddled her behind, and said, "Get!"

Pg. 135
He went into the operator's compartment, closed the panel, and got busy at
the communicator. I turned to Mary. She snuggled up and said, "Howdy Bud."
I grabbed her. "Don't give me that 'Bud' stuff or somebody's going to get a

Beyond This Horizon (1942)

Pg. 54
"I know!" He stabbed the air with a forefinger. "You are the woman Mordan
picked for me!"
"That's right. Of course."
"Why, damn your impudence! What the devil do you mean by invading my privacy
like this?"
"Tut!Tut!Tut! Mamma spank. Is that any way to speak to the future mother of
your children?"
"Mother of my fiddlesticks! If I needed anything to convince me that I want
to have nothing to with the scheme, you have given it to me. If I ever have
children it won't be by you!"

Pg 55
Heedless of her struggles he picked her up and carried her to a large chair
where he seated himself with her on his lap. He pinned her legs between his
knees, forced her arms behind her back until he managed to get both her
wrists in one of his fists, She bit him in the process.

With her thus effectively immobilized, he settled back, holding her away
from him, and looked at her face. "Now we can talk," he said cheerily. He
measured her face with his eye and slapped her once, not too hard but with
plenty of sting in it. "That's for biting. Don't do it again."

For Us, The Living (first novel unpublished until 2004)
Pg. 109 (way down near the bottom)

When he had finished, she scrubbed away at his back, then stepped away and
snapped him with her towel. "Ouch!" He rubbed the spot ruefully. "Was that
She grinned impishly. "No, but it was fun."
"You ought to be paddled for that."
"You'll have to catch me first." She was off down the beach, hair flying,
legs flashing. He took off after her and ran her down. He grabbed her from
behind, she struggled, and they fell down together, a laughing disorderly
heap. He tussled with her and tried to turn her over into a favorable
position for smacking, but she was lithe as an otter and nearly as slippery.
Their contortions brought their faces close to each other. He bent his head
down and kissed her on the lips.

Have Space Suit Will Travel (copyright 1958)

Pg. 65

The pairings in this scene are a boy who is about 17 and a girl who is about
11. The girl, Peewee, is a certified genius.

"What? Then you thought you had bamboozled their lock hours and hours ago-
and you didn't tell me?"
"That is correct."
"Why, I ought to spank you!"
"I don't advise it," she said frostily. "I bite."
I believed her. And scratch. And other things. None of them pleasant. I
changed the subject.

Pg. 210

In this scene (continued on page 211) the boy, Kip, and the girl, Peewee are
talking to a man from ancient Rome.

"What is that barbarian grunting?" the Roman said pleasantly. "Talk
language, boy. Or will you have ten with the flat of the sword?"

Pg. 211

Peewee clouded up. "I understood that!" she said fiercely. "Come out here
and fight!"
"Try it in Latin," I advised her. "If he understands you, he'll probably
spank you."
She looked uneasy. "You wouldn't let him?"
"You know I wouldn't."

6XH (Short story collection)
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
The Man Who Traveled In Elephants
All You Zombies
Our Fair City
And He Built A Crooked House

No References

Methuselah's Children
(Howard Family) 1958


Rocket Ship Galileo (1947)


Between Planets (1951)

Pg. 147

"You're Don Harvey. My name's Phipps- Montgomery Phipps." He spoke as if
that were sufficient explanation. "You've grown some. Last time I saw you I
walloped your britches for biting my thumb."
Don felt put off by the man's top-sergeant air. He supposed that it was
some acquaintance of his parents whom he had met in the dim reaches of
childhood, but he could not place him. "Did I have some reason to bite it?"
he asked.
"Eh?" The man suddenly gave a barking laugh. I suppose that is a matter of
opinion. But we were even: I spanked you properly." He turned to Sir Isaac.
"Is Malath going to be here?"

Farnham's Freehold (1964)

There are quite a few mentions of whips, or being whipped in this book which
I haven't included because they don't fit the standard definition. The whip
in question resembles a crop, but is electrified. The slaves are not
'whipped' they are touched at any random spot and then collapse in agony as
the shock sets off their nerve endings. The whips come in two modes one with
a stun setting and one with a kill setting apparently.

Pg. 66
"Don't get fancy. You enjoy bullying mother and you enjoyed spanking me as a
kid...until mother put her foot down and made you stop."

Pg. 79
"Just a second. Folks, meet the Rationing Officer. Take a bow, Duke." Hugh
explained the austerity program. "Duke will work it out but that's the idea.
For example, I noticed a bent nail on the ground in the powder room. That
calls for being spread-eagled and flogged."

Pg. 119
"It doesn't matter that she is my daughter. It would apply if it were
Barbara, or you, or another woman. No more heavy work for Karen. That
laundry she did today- you'll do that; you've loafed long enough. You'll
pamper her. But most urgent, there will be no more scolding, no harsh words,
no recriminations. You will be sweet and kind and gentle with her. Don't
fail in this, Grace. Or I will punish you."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I hope I won't be forced to." Hugh faced his son. "Duke. Do I have your
backing? Speak up."
"What do you mean by 'punishment," Dad?"
"Whatever we are forced to use. Words. Social sanctions. Physical punishment
if we must. Even expulsion from our group if no other choice remained."

The Man Who Sold the Moon (1951)
Collection of short stories includes:
Let There Be Light
The Roads Must Roll
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Blowups Happen

No references in any of them

Orphans of the Sky (1963)
No references

I Will Fear No Evil (1970)
Pg. 52
Figleaf so that his mind can lie to itself- "No, no, mustn't touch; Mama
spank'-then I paint you like sex crime looking for spot marked 'X.'"

Pg. 241
He stepped to the wall and squeezed down the intercom to zero, then
said gently, "Get dressed, dear."
"I won't! If we leave now, you'll have to stuff me into the car bare
He sighed and picked her up; she stopped crying and looked suddenly happy.
The expression did not last. He turned her in his arms as he sat down on a
straight chair, got a firm grip on her, and walloped her right buttock. She
yelped. And struggled.
He got her more firmly, placing his right leg over both of hers, and
applied his hand smartly to her left cheek. Then he alternated sides,
stopping with ten. He set her on her feet and said, "Get dressed, dear.
She stopped rubbing the punished area. "Yes, Jake."
Neither said another word until he had handed her into the car, climbed in
after her, and they had been locked in.
Then she said timidly, "Jake? Will you hold me?"
"Certainly, darling."
"May I take my robe off, please? Will you take it off me?"
With the robe out of the way she sighed and snuggled in. After a bit she
whispered, "Jake darling? Why did you spank me?"
It was his turn to sigh. "You were being difficult... and it is the only
thing I know of which will do a woman good when a man can't do for her what
she needs. And right then- I couldn't."
"I see. I think I do."
She remained quiet for a while, enjoying his arms around her and breathing
against his chest. Then she said, "Dear? Did you ever spank Eunice?"
"For the same reason?"
"Not quite. Well, somewhat. She teased me into it." (I tickled him, dear.
And got the surprise of my life.)
"Then I'm glad you spanked me, too. But I'll try not to tease you- though
I'll never be the angel she was." (Fallen angel, Boss. And enjoyed it all,
clear down to the Pit.)
"Yes, Eunice?"
"I didn't really mind being spanked by you. Even when I was crying. But-
Well, I'm padded now- Built to take a spanking. And when you are spanking
me, you aren't ignoring me- and any attention is better than none. And
besides-" She hesitated.
"Besides what, Eunice?"
"Well, I don't know- but I think it happened."
"What happened?"
"Female orgasm. Well, maybe. I don't know what one is supposed to feel
like. But while I was crying and hurting; you have a heavy hand, sir-
suddenly I felt very warm inside and something seemed to grow and explode-
that's the best I can describe it. And I was ecstatically happy and didn't
mind the last few wallops, hardly noticed them. Was that a female orgasm?"
"How would I know, dearest? Perhaps you'll be able to tell me. Later."
"Later tonight?"
"Uh, I think not, Eunice. It's late and we have had nothing to eat and I'm
tired even if you aren't-"
"I am, rather. But happy."
"So tonight we'll rest. When it does happen-and I'm no longer fighting it-
let's make the first time absolutely private and quiet. No phones and no
servants and no distractions. After that-well, it might be
target-of-opportunity. But I'm not a kid. You know what I mean, darling;
you've been old, too."
"Yes, dearest, much older than you are. Eunice can wait. Jake? What was
this teasing Eunice did that was so bad it got her spanked?"
He suddenly grinned. "The little imp tickled me until I nearly went out of
my mind. So I spanked her. But we were alone and that ended satisfactorily.
"How do you think? I excelled my usual mediocre performance, and Eunice-
there aren't words for it, but she excelled her utter perfection, impossible
as that sounds." (He darn near split me like a melon, twin- and I wanted him
"So? Someday I will tickle you- and get spanked for it. So take your
vitamins, dear. Jake, you enjoyed spanking me. Didn't you?"
He was silent several moments. "I enjoyed it so much that I spanked you
neither as hard nor as long as I wanted to. And I started feeling 'young' as
you put it- but knew that, if I didn't get you out of the house right then,
you probably wouldn't leave at all. And I don't care to advertise to the
"You had better marry me. So we can ignore the servants."
"You had better shut up. You're still learning to be a girl, and I'm still
learning how to handle you. You're Eunice- but you aren't Eunice. And we
must clear legal matters before we talk about such things."
"Old mean. Girl beater. Sadist. Hold me tight."

Pg. 262
( Not the Whim-Wham-Thankee-Ma'am you managed with him. And all it got me
was a spanking. I do hope he comes home tonight.)

Pg. 266
(Are you telling me I must not think? If I could reach you, I'd spank you.)

Pg. 381
Fred kissed her quickly, nervously. Dabrowski did not kiss her; instead he
held his mouth to hers and said almost soundlessly, "Eunice, you be good to
him. Or damn, I'll spank you."
"Yes, Anton. Let me go."

Pg 432
"I accept! But -well, it's hardly worthwhile opening those packages.
They'll be disappointments."
"Would you like a spanking?"
"I'm too tired. Let's open the packages."

Pg. 436
"I love you, sir. But I will not marry you."
"I ought to spank you."
I don't think it would do me any damage darling. But I don't think you
could bring yourself to strike a pregnant woman." (Now kick him in the other
shin, Boss. You little hellcat.) (Eunice stay out of this row. I'm not only
a woman scorned; I'm also old Johann Smith who never could be pushed too
far. Jake can have us anytime, sure. But I'm damned if I'll let him be
'noble' about it when I'm knocked up.) (Boss, aren't we ever gonna marry
him? This is a mistake, dear; he needs us.) (And we need him, Eunice. Sure,
we'll marry him- after we've whelped. After.) (Boss, you're making a big
mistake.) (If so, I'm making it. I never make little mistakes-just big
"I didn't say I was going to spank you, Eunice- I said I 'ought' to. What
happened? I distinctly remember you telling me that you had taken care of

Pg. 464
"Beloved, the day I'm jealous of a little girl I want you to beat me. Not
spank me. Beat some sense into me, woodshed style."

Space Cadet (1948)

Pg. 111
"It's like trying to keep order in a nursery with a loaded gun instead of a

Friday (1982)

"Stop joking. Stop this instant! Or. So help me, when I get you home I'll
paddle you. Marjorie, I've never laid an ungentle hand on you- on any of my
wives. But you are earning a spanking."

Pg. 91
"Now...are you going to stay? Or am I going to have to hide your clothes and
beat you?"
"I don't want to be beaten."
"Too bad, I was looking forward to it."

Pg. 355
As a youngster she was no meaner than any of the others and the usual
moderate ration of spankings was enough to straighten her out. I think she
is quite a nice person, which pleases me as she is the only child of my body
even though she is no relation to me.

Double Star (1956)

Pg. 20
Then he would take off his belt and stimulate my brain. Father was a
practical psychologist and believed that warming the glutei maximi with a
strap drew excess blood away from a boy's brain.

Pg. 61
"I am honored to meet you mademoiselle."
"I wish I could say the same!"
"Stow it, Penny, or I'll spank your round fanny - at two gravities."

Glory Road (1963)

Pg. 112(last paragraph)-113
"Hold your tongue, you bad-tempered brat! You have not earned the right to
speak to me that way. Nor will any girl ever have the right. You will
always-always!-address me politely and with respect. One more word of your
nasty rudeness and I'll spank you until the tears fly."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Get your hand away from that sword or I'll take it away from you, down your
pants right here on the road, and spank you with it. Till your arse is red
and you beg for mercy. Star, I do not fight with females- but I do punish
naughty children. Ladies I treat as ladies. Spoiled brats I treat as spoiled
brats. Star, you could be the Queen of England and the Galactic Overlord all
rolled into one- but ONE MORE WORD out of line from you, and down come your
tights and you won't be able to sit for a week. Understand me?"
At last she said in a small voice, "I understand, milord."

Pg. 140
"No, milord," she said firmly, "if wife I am to be, I shall be a good wife
and not permit you to skip meals."
"Henpecking already. I think I'll beat you
"As you will milord. But you must eat, you are going to need your strength-"
"I certainly will!"
"-for fighting."

Pg. 149
"Are you honing for a kick in the belly?" she added, "American!"
"Wife...would you kick me in the belly?"
She was slow in answering and her voice was very low. "No, milord husband.
"I'm pleased to hear it. But if you did, what would happen?"
"You-you would spank me. With my own sword. But not with your sword. Please,
never with your sword...my husband."
"Not with your sword, either. With my hand. Hard. First I would spank you.
And then-"
"And then what?"
I told her. "But don't give me cause."

Pg. 242
"Go fetch your sword, wench. That paddling is long overdue."
Suddenly she grinned, all hoyden. "But darling, my sword is in Karth-Hokesh.
Don't you remember?"
"You can't avoid it this time!" I grabbed her. Star is a handful and
slippery, with amazing muscles. But I'm bigger and she didn't fight as hard
as she could have. Still I lost skin and picked up bruises before I got her
legs pinned and one arm twisted behind her. I gave her a couple of hearty
spanks, hard enough to print each finger in pink, then lost interest.

(Skip to bottom of page then carries over to 243)
"I'd rather be kept on bad behavior. But- while you're feeling mellow- if
you are- I had best tell you another thing- and take my spanking if I must.
"You're too anxious. One a day is maximum, hear me?"
"As you will, sir. Yassuh, Boss man. I'll have my sword fetched in the
morning and you can spank me with it at your leisure. If you think you can
catch me. But I must tell this and get it off my chest."

Pg. 244
She sighed with relief. "I didn't know and should not have slipped it into
your coffee. Do I rate a spanking?"
"We'll add it to the list you already rate and give them to you all at once.
Probably cripple you. Star, how long is 'Long-Life'?"

Pg. 250
"Yes, Oscar. Okay!"
"Better. Unless you're honing for another spanking. And I'm too tired.

Pg. 259
A dancing girl (evidently a secretary) was fussing over papers and tapes.
Rufo slapped her fanny out, gave me a comfortable chair, a drink, put
cigarettes near me, sat down and said nothing.

Tunnel in the Sky (1955)
Pg. 116
Rod said urgently, "Jack, remember what I said about petty jealousies? So
help me, you make trouble and I'll paddle you."
"You aren't big enough!
"I'll get help."

Pg. 207
Hope turned up a beaming face. "'Ood babe!" she asserted.
"I saw you." Caroline upended her, gave her a spat that would not squash a
fly, then picked up Grant Throxton.

Time for the Stars (1956)
Pg. 74
"So you should have smacked him. The only thing wrong with that boy is that
his parents should have walloped him instead of telling him how bright he

The Star Beast (1954)
Pg. 250
He sighed deeply. "You have me there. All I can say is that there are
situations which I am forced to accept, knowing them to be wrong, and others
that I need not accept. If you were my own daughter I would paddle you. No."
She grinned at him. "I'll bet I outweigh you."

Job: A Comedy of Justice (1984)
Pg. 134
"Wash out your mouth for talking about divorce. Ask my pardon for daring to
think that I would ever divorce you under any circumstances whatever. If you
are ever naughty enough, I may beat you. But I would never put you away."

Pg. 245
"Food we do have, dear man. I have an Oh Henry in my tote."
I stopped abruptly. "Woman if you are joking, I'm going to beat you."
"I'm not joking."
"In Texas it is legal to correct a wife with a stick not thicker than one's
thumb." I held up my thumb. "Do you see one about this size?"
"I'll find one."

Pg. 273
"Hi Daddy. Kiss kiss."
"In a pig's eye. When was the last time I spanked you?"
"My ninth birthday. When I set fire to Aunt Minnie. What did I do now?"

Pg. 275
Katie Farnsworth said conversationally, "Gerald keeps trying to dominate his
daughter. Hopelessly of course. He should take her to bed and discharge his
incestuous yearnings. But they are both too prissy for that."
"Woman remind me to beat you."
"Yes dearest. You wouldn't have to force her."

Red Planet (1949)
Pg. 53
"You'll what?" He paused. "Your precious pet won't be hurt. Now get back in
that bed before I thrash you." He turned again and left without stopping to
see whether or not his order had been carried out.

The Day After Tomorrow (1941) (Originally published as Sixth Column)
No references.

Assignment in Eternity (1953 first printed 1987)
Short stories-
Pg. 71
He turned to her. "Woman, you spoke of matrimony. If you ever do manage to
marry me, I'll beat you."

Pg. 88
-Gail are you still shopping for a husband?
- I've found him.
-Marry me and I'll beat you every Saturday night.
- The man who can beat me hasn't been born.
- I'd like to try.

No mentions

Lost Legacy
No mentions

Jerry Was a Man
No mentions

The Number of the Beast (1980)
Pg. 49
"I'll try," Zebbie agreed. "But Sharpie, don't chatter and keep your
comments to the point. Or I'll ask Pop to give you a fat lip."
"He wouldn't dast!"
"So? I'm going to give him a horsewhip for a wedding present-besides the
Weird Tales, Jake: you get those too. But you need a whip. Attention,
"Yes, Zebbie. And the same to you doubled."
"Do you know what 'precess' means?"
"Certainly. Precession of the equinoxes. Means that Vega will be the North
Star when I'm a great-grandmother. Thirty thousand years or some such."
"Correct in essence. But you're not even a mother yet."
"You don't know what happened last night. I'm an expectant mother. Jacob
doesn't dare use a whip on me."

Pg. 58
"At any orgy, my wife will pick the guests and send the invitations."
"Thank you, sir. I'll wait until you seem bored, then look over the crop and
pick out a choice selection for you. Assorted flavors and colors."
"My Princess, I will not spank a pregnant woman. But I can think about it."

Pg. 125
But the victims really are sick and somewhat out of their heads. So I held
her mouth closed and whispered into her ear. "Chew it, Aunty darling, and
swallow it, or I'm going to spank you with a club."
Shortly I could feel her chewing. After several minutes she relaxed. I asked
her, "Is it safe for me to ungag you?"
She nodded. I took my hand away. She smiled wanly and patted my hand.
"Thanks Deety." She added, "You wouldn't really bear Aunt Sharpie."
"I sure would, darling. I'd cry and cry and wallop you and wallop you. I'm
glad I don't have to."

Pg. 299
"Quite right, Bertie. You now have the opportunity to persuade me to support
you in your crisis. Your King-Emperor is not our prince; we place no faith
in princes. We have no reason to love Russians but we spanked the only one
who gave us trouble. IN what way is the British colony superior to the
Russian one?"

Pg. 419
[Zeb thinking about Hilda] (If it were not for upsetting Jake, I would
paddle that pert little arse.)

Pg. 422
[Lazarus about his twin sisters/daughters/wives] Laz and Lor were outwitting
their elders by the time they were six, a process I encouraged by walloping
them whenever I caught them. They learned.

Pg. 424
"Thank you, Zebbie. I'm safe. I was safe when he was armed but he was being
insolent so I spanked him."

Pg. 465
"None that I know of, Woodrow. Not me, certainly. You were a little hellion;
I should have spanked you much oftener than I did."

Sixth Column (1941) (see The Day After Tomorrow)
No references

The Menace From Earth ( 1959)
Short stories- No references in any of them
The Year of the Jackpot
By his Bootstraps
Columbus Was a Dope
The Menace From Earth
Sky Lift
Goldfish Bowl
Project Nightmare
Water is for Washing

Waldo & Magic, Inc. (1940)
Two stories-
No references
Magic, Inc.
Pg. 129
"So?" she answered, put out a hand and grabbed him by the nape of the neck
and swung him across her lap, face down. She snatched off a shoe and whacked
him soundly with it. He let out one yelp, then kept silent, but jerked every
time she struck him.
When she was through she stood up, spilling him to the ground. He picked
himself up and hurriedly scrambled back into his own circle, where he stood,
rubbing himself. Mrs. Jennings's eyes snapped and her voice crackled; there
was nothing feeble about her now. "You gnomes are getting above yourselves,"
she scolded. "I never heard of such a thing! One more slip on your part and
I'll fetch your people to see you spanked!"

Stranger In A Strange Land (Original uncut version printed in 1991- Trade
Pg. 54
The notion that she, Jill Boardman, who had never experienced anything worse
than a spanking as a child and an occasional harsh word as an adult, could
be in physical danger was almost impossible for her to believe.

Pg. 195
She added, "I think I'll have hysterics now."
Harshaw grinned. "You do and I'll spank you. All right, put Dorcas down for
a bonus for 'extra hazardous duty.'

Pg. 248
Miriam said out of the corner of her mouth: "Boss-did you sprain your back
doing hand stands before last?"
"Quiet, girl, or I'll paddle you."

Pg. 257
"... and the first rule we passes- unanimously, I should add- was that
henceforth we would always call our mothers, 'Crosspatch.' Silly, of
course...but we were very young. Mr. Kung, can you deduce the outcome of
that 'rule'?"
"I won't guess, Dr. Harshaw."
"I tried to implement our "Crosspatch' decision just once. Once was enough
and it saved my chum from making the same mistake. All it got me was my
young bottom warmed with a peach switch. And that was the end of the
'Crosspatch' decision."

Pg 258
"I underestimated my Mother's power to punish a small boy's impudence. That
lesson was cheap, a bargain. But this planet cannot afford such a lesson on
a planetary scaled. Before we attempt to parcel out lands which do not
belong to us, it behooves us to be very sure what peach switches are hanging
in the Martian kitchen.

Pg. 461
"Jubal, sometimes I wish you were small enough to spank. May I finish what I
was saying?"

Pg. 495
"Jill told me, that if you argued, I was to cry. Shall I get my tears all
over your chest? And share water with you that way?"
"I'm going to spank Jill!"
"Yes, Jubal. I'm starting to cry."

Pg. 498
"There are ways. Want to make a small bet?"
"You go on heckling me and you'll find you're not too big to spank. How've
you been girl?"

Podkayne of Mars (1993 trade-paperback version with both endings.
Heinlein's original and the one originally published.)

Pg. 7-8
Daddy would have walloped him properly. Daddy, although a historian,
is devoted to the latest progressive theories of child psychology and
applies them by canalizing the cortex through pain association whenever he
really wants to ensure that a lesson will not be forgotten. As he puts it so
neatly: "Spare the rod and spoil the child."
I canalize most readily and learned very early indeed how to predict and
avoid incidents which would result in Daddy's applying his theories and his
hand. But in Clark's case it is almost necessary to use a club simply to
gain his divided attention.

Pg. 89
I should have known. The Captain hesitated a split second as he
started down the hatch and snapped, "Come along, Miss Fries."
I came. He always calls me "Poddy"- and his voice had spank in it.

Pg. 138
There have been times in the past when Clark has lent me money against my
allowance- and charged me exactly 100 percent interest come allowance day.
Till daddy caught on and spanked us both.

Uncle was just sitting, looking like Prometheus enduring the eagles. I put
my hand in his and said, "Uncle Tom? I wish you would spank me."
"Eh?" He shook his head and seemed to see me. "Flicka! Why?"
"Because it's my fault."

Pg. 204
"Nothing to it. Just point it at 'em and press the button. Better use both
hands. And don't shoot unless you really need to."
"All right."
I smacked her behind. "Now get going. See you later."

The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1985)
Future Histories
Pg. 40
"Please don't be macho, Richard. Not when we're so busy."
"'Macho' is a put down word, Gwen. Using it again calls for a spanking; use
it a third time and I beat you with this here cane.

Pg. 133-134
I said, "That isn't necessary, Gretchen. Once we're inside this
pressure and can turn out suits back to you, there's no reason for you to
"Mr. Richard, are you yearning to have me spanked?"
"You? 'Spanked'? Why, your father wouldn't do that. To you?-a grown
woman, almost."
"You might tell Mama that. No, Papa wouldn't; he hasn't for years and
years. But Mama says I'm eligible until the day I first marry."

Pg. 136
"Oh. First we should go to Quiet Dreams tunnel and spread our bedrolls to
hold our places so that we can all sleep together"- at which point I learned
for the first time why Gretchen's bedroll was so enormous: her mother's
foresight, again- "but before that we had better put your names down with
Lilybet for the bus... and before that, let's get those ice-cream cones if
you're as hungry as I am. Then, last thing before dinner, we should go see
Charlie about p-suits."
The ice-cream cones were close at hand in the same tunnel as the racks:
Borodin's Double-Dip Dandies, served by Kelly Borodin himself, who offered
to sell me (in addition to lavish cones) used magazines from Earth, barely
used magazines from Luna City and Tycho Under, candy, lottery tickets,
horoscopes, Lumaya Pravda, the Luna City Lunatic, greeting cards (genuine
Hallmark imitations), pills guaranteed to restore virility, and a sure cure
for hangovers, compounded to an ancient Gypsy formula. Then he offered to
roll me double or nothing for the cones. Gretchen caught my eye, and barely
shook her head.
As we walked away, she said, "Kelly has two sets of dice, one for
strangers, another for people he knows. But he doesn't know that I know it.
Sir, you paid for the cones...and now, if you don't let me pay you back,
I'll get that spanking. Because Mama will ask me and I will have to tell
I thought about it. "Gretchen, I have trouble believing that your mother
would spank you for something I did."
"Oh, but she would, sir!" She will say that I should have had my money out
and ready. And I should have."
"Does she spank really hard? Bare bottom?"
"Oh, my, yes! Brutal."
"An intriguing thought. Your little bottom turning pink, while you cry."
"I do not cry! Well, not much."
"You spoke, dear?"
"Stop it."
"Mama spank."
I accepted from Gretchen the price of the cones. I'm henpecked.

Pg. 140-141
Sometime later-an hour? Two hours? - I came awake because a warm body
cuddled against me. I murmured, "Now, hon?" Then I came a bit wider awake.
"It's me, Mr. Richard. Would you really want to see my bottom turn all
pink? And hear me cry?"
I whispered tensely, "Honey, get back over by the wall."
"No, dear."

Pg. 197
"I made Bill give it back. What he had left, I mean; he should have had
three times as much. I'm afraid Bill is one of those weaklings who can't
carry money without spending it. I must figure out how to spank him for it
till he learns better."

Pg. 237
"Richard, I can't."
"I don't like to beat you in public-"
"So don't."
"So I won't."

Pg. 271
"Yes, dear? I wanted to ask Ezra-"
"Richard, I did something without consulting you."
"So? Am I going to have to beat you again?"
"You may decide to."

Pg. 279
"Gretchen went with that friend and returned the fez herself. She dropped
it at lost-and-found in Old Dome just before she came to the Raffles to find
"I see. But why?"
"She wants you to paddle her bottom, dear, and turn it all pink."
"Oh, nonsense! I meant, 'Why did her daddy let her hitchhike to L-City with
this neighbor?' She's much too young."
"He let her do so for the usual reason. Jinx is a big, strong, macho man
who can't resist the wheedling of his daughter. Forbidden to satisfy his
suppressed incestuous yearnings he lets her have anything she wants if she
teases him long enough."
"That's ridiculous. And inexcusable. A father's duty toward his daughter
requires that-"
"Richard. How many daughters do you have?"
"Eh? None. But-"
"So shut up about something you know nothing about. No matter what Jinx
should have done, the fact is that Gretchen left Dry Bones about as we were
having lunch. Counting time of flight, that put her at City Lock East around
the time we left the Warden's complex...and she arrived at the Raffles just
seconds before we did- and a good thing, too, or you and I would be dead. I
"Did she get into the fight?"
"No, but by carrying you she freed me to cover our retreat. And all because
she wants you to paddle her bottom. God moves in mysterious ways, dear; for
every masochist He creates a sadist; marriages are made in Heaven."
"Wash your mouth out with soap. I am not a sadist."
"Yes, dear. I may have some details wrong, but not the broad picture.
Gretchen has proposed formally to me, asking your hand in marriage."

Pg. 285

"No! Ingrid is not my boss...and neither are you. Grandma Hazel, when I left
home I was a child and virgin and timid and I knew nothing of the world. But
now I am no longer a child and I have not been a virgin for years and I am a
combat veteran who cannot be frightened by anything." She looked squarely
into my eyes. "I will not use a baby to trap Richard into marriage."
"But, Gretchen, you are not trapping me; I like babies. I want to marry
"You do? Why?" She sounded sad.
Things were too solemn; we needed some skid. "Why do I want to marry you,
dear? To paddle your bottom and watch it turn pink."
Gretchen's mouth dropped open, then she grinned and dimpled. "That's
"Is it, eh? Possible having a baby doesn't call for a marriage in these
parts, but spanking is another matter. If I spank some other man's wife, he
might get annoyed or she might or both. Chancy. Likely to get me talked
about. Or worse. If I spank a single girl, she might use it to trap me when
I don't love her and don't want to marry her but was simply spanking her
pour le sport. Better to marry you; you're used to it, you like it. And you
have a solid bottom that can take it. A good thing, too- because I spank
hard. Brutal."
"Oh, pooh! Where did you get this silly notion that I like it?" (Why are
your areolae so crinkled, dear?) "Hazel, does he really spank hard?"
"I don't know, dear. I would break his arm and he knows it."
"See what I'm up against, Gretchen? No innocent little pleasures; I'm
underprivileged. Unless you marry me."
"But I-" Gretchen suddenly stood up, almost swamping the float table,
turning away and swarmed out of the pool, started running south, out of the
garden court.

Pg. 286
"Me? Woman, you're out of your mind. I just want to get her into a
helpless situation so that I can paddle her bottom whenever I like and make
it turn pink. Hard. Brutal." I threw out my chest, tried to look macho- not
too convincingly; I was going to have to do something about that paunch.

Pg. 287
"Later, Richard. After you've had time to polish it. Richard tells
excellent bedtime stories."
"When I'm not paddling, that is. Xia, does your bottom turn pink?"

Pg. 308
"Richard," Hilda went on, "despite what you heard me say, I don't think
badly of Lazarus. I have borne one child by him...and I go that far only
with men I respect. But Lazarus does have his little ways; it is necessary
to spank him from time to time. Nevertheless I love him."

Pg. 351
She accepted it, dabbed at her eyes. "Brute. Aunt Til, you should have
spanked him oftener."
"Wrong aunt, dear. That was Aunt Abigail, now gone to her reward."
Aunt Abby was brutal," I commented. "Used a peach switch on me. And enjoyed
"She should have used a club."

Pg. 358
So why did I stand up?" (Because Aunt Abby had stripped my calves for any
failure whatever in politeness to my elders?)

Pg. 375
"I'll fetch soup and more of your picnic. Forty-five minutes until you nap;
that's official. Til says so."
"Remind me to beat you."
"Yes, dear. But not today; you're exhausted."

Pg. 381
"So Abby was your mother in every way but biology."
"Uncle, Aunt Abby was the best mother a boy could want. Look, those peach
switching were good for me. I know it.

The Worlds of Robert Heinlein ( 1966)
Includes short stories:
Free Men
Blowups Happen
Solution Unsatisfactory

No references

To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987)
Future Histories

Pg. 5
"And then I'll come down to your office and find you, Mister monster
Munster, and pull you out of your chair and sit down in it myself and turn
you over my knee and take your pants down and- Did I mention I'm from
Hercules Gamma? Two and a half gravities surface acceleration; we eat your
sort for lunch. So stay where you are; don't make me hunt for you."
"Madam, I regret that I must tell you that you cannot sit in my chair."
"Want to bet?"
"I do not have a chair; I am securely bolted to the floor."

Pg. 17-18
"Analyze the Ten Commandments," he ordered. "Tell me how they should read.
In the meantime, if I hear just once more that you have lost your temper,
then when your mother sends you to discuss the matter with me, you had
better have your McGuffey's Reader tucked inside your bloomers."
"Father, you wouldn't"
"Just try me, carrot top, just try me. I will enjoy spanking you."
An empty threat-He never spanked me once I was old enough to understand why
I was being scolded. But even before then he had never spanked me hard
enough to hurt my bottom. Just my feelings.
Mother's punishments were another matter. The high justice was Father's
bailiwick; Mother handled the low and middle-with a peach switch. Ouch!"

Pg. 30
"Oh, Father, you are so good to me!"
"Stop the sarcasm or I'll paddle your pants. Bring me a preliminary report
in a month or six weeks."

Pg. 115-116
When Brian got home, I told him about it. I had considered keeping it
myself. But we had reached a friendly agreement three years earlier
concerning how and when we each could adulterate our marriage without
offending or damaging the other. So I decided to make a clean breast of it
and accept a spanking if he thought I rated it. I thought I did rate a
spanking...and if it was a truly hard spanking, that would be an excuse to
cry and that would probably wind up wonderfully.

Pg. 143
Then sated but still coupled, we would argue over whether or not I had put
on a five-dollar performance. Which could result in tickling, biting,
wrestling, spanking, laughing, and another go at it, with much bawdy joking

Pg. 160
We had established earlier in our marriage that some occasions were for the
entire family...and some were for Mama and Papa alone- children would stay
home and not whine about it, lest the middle justice be invoked. (Mother had
used a peach switch; I found that one from an apricot tree worked just as

Pg. 168-169
"Oh, Papa, don't be mean to me. I need to be cuddled. I need to be hugged."
"I know what you need but you are not going to get it from me. Now get
"What if I won't? I'm too big to spank."
He sighed. "So you are. Daughter, you are an enticing and amoral bitch, we
both know it and have always known it. Since I can't spank you, I must warn
you. Get out this instant... or I will telephone your husband right now,
tonight, and tell him he must come home at once as I am unable to carry out
my responsibilities to him and to his family. Understand me?"
"Yes, sir."

Pg. 183
Woodrow was unbearable; I had to refrain from switching him too often.

Pg. 280
Unavoidable. Susan, I wish you were unmarried just long enough for me to
spank you.

Pg. 338
"That's your problem. Donald, you two have outworn both my patience and my
resourcefulness. You ignore my advice and disobey necessary orders and you
are each too big to spank. I have nothing else to offer."

Pg. 388
Galahad said, "Mama Maureen, these vows will not be broken. We simply
promise each other to share in taking care of our children- support them and
spank them and love them and teach them, whatever it takes.

The Rolling Stones (1952)
Future Histories

Pg. 28
"What's wrong with my age? I used to paddle you twice a week and I can
still do it."

Pg. 232-233
"Of course not. Pipe down, Lowell! I'll have us home in three-quarters of
an hour and Lowell can have his nap or his spanking on time, as the case may

Pg. 237
"That's better," approved Hazel. "Want to play a game of chess?"
"Sissy. You're afraid I'll beat you. I'll beat you three spanks and a
knuckle rub."
Lowell considered this. "I get the white men?"
"Take 'em. I'll beat you anyhow."

Pg. 248-249
"Enough." He reached for his waist; the twins noticed that he was wearing
an old-fashioned piece of apparel- a leather belt. He took it off. "This
belonged to your grandfather- who in turn left it to me. I don't know how
far back it goes- but you might say that the stone family was founded on
it." He doubled it and tried it on the palm of his hand. "All of us, all the
way back, have very tender memories of it. Very tender. Except you two." He
again whacked his palm with it.
Caster said, "You mean you're going to beat us with that?"
"Have you any reason to offer why I shouldn't?"
Castor looked at Pollux, sighed and moved forward. "I'll go first, I'm the
Roger moved to a drawer, put the belt inside. "I should have used it ten
years ago." He closed the drawer. "It's too late, now."
"Aren't you going to do it?"
"I never said I was going to. No."
The twins swapped glances. Castor went on, "Dad- Captain. We'd rather you
Pollux added quickly, "Much rather."
"I know you would. That way you'd be through with it. But instead you're
going to have to live with it. That's the way adults have to do it."
"But Dad-"
"Go to your quarters, sir."

Time Enough for Love (1973)
Future Histories

Pg. 59
But no matter how carefully a plebe tried to meet impossible standards,
about once a week some first classman would decide that he needed
punishment- arbitrary punishment without trial. This could run from mild,
such as exercises repeated to physical collapse- which David disliked as
they reminded him of "honest work" -up to paddling on the buttocks. This may
strike you as nothing much, Ira, but I'm not speaking of paddling children
sometimes receive. These beatings were delivered with the flat of a sword or
with a worn-out broom that amounted to a long, heavy club. Three blows
delivered by a grown man in perfect health would leave the victim's bottom a
mass of purple bruises and blood blisters, accompanied by excruciating pain.

Pg. 92
[Lazarus to Dora his Sentient Spaceship]"You can stay awake and bore
yourself silly any way you choose. But if you whomp up some fake emergency
to get my attention, I'll spank you."
"But, Boss, you know I never do that."
"I know you do do that, little imp. But if you bother me for anything less
than somebody trying to break into you or you catching on fire, you'll
regret it. If I can figure out that you've set yourself on fire, you'll
catch it twice as hard.

Pg. 134
Lazarus answered, "Granddaughter, if I weren't so old and tired, I would
spank you."

Pg. 210
I agreed and added that apparently they had gone out of their silly minds
while I wasn't watching. "I have here a bunch of silly nonsense from a
lawyer, along with a ridiculous draft. If I could reach you, dear, I would
paddle you. Better let me talk to Joe."

Pg. 222-223
[ Lazarus to another sentient computer]"Humph! Meaning that human concepts
of moral responsibility are not machine concepts. Dear, I wish you were a
human girl with a spankable bottom long enough for me to spank it- I would!

Pg. 316
"They'll behave." I was sure they would. Dora and I had the same ideas
about raising kids. Praise them, never scream at them, punish as necessary
and right now- never a moment's delay- then it's over with and forget it. Be
as lavish with affection after a spanking as any other time- or a bit extra.
Spanking they had to have (Dora usually used a switch) because, without
exception over the centuries, my kids have been hell-raisers who would take
advantage of the sweetness-and-light routine.

Pg. 329
I finally removed that one and several plates that followed it, those
showing normal delivery, and posted them, to save wear and tear on my books-
then announced that they could look at those pictures all they wanted to,
but to touch one was a spanking offense- then was forced to spank Iseult to
keep justice even, which hurt her old father more than it did her baby
bottom even though she saved my face by applauding my gentle paddling with
loud screams and tears.

Pg. 360
[Lazarus to yet another sentient computer] "Teena, if I could reach through
that string of wires, I'd spank you," Lazarus added.

Pg. 365
"- and immaterial in any case, as we three, Lazarus, Lorelei and I, are
identical triplets and therefore enjoy the same rights under any rational
jurisdiction... which unfortunately this is not. So he beats us. Illegally
and brutally."
"Captain, remind me to get a bigger club."
"Aye aye, sir. But we're fond of Buddy Boy anyhow, despite his
masochosadistic behavior. Because he's really us. You see?"

Pg. 395
Ishtar looked troubled. "Grandfather, I don't understand."
"She calls me that when I've been naughty," the Senior confided in me.
"It's her way of spanking me. "

Pg. 401
"Lazarus has firm ideas on raising children. Athene keeps eye and ear on
them- but can't pick them up. Lazarus says a frightened child needs to be
picked up and cuddled now, not later. He believes in spanking right now,
too; it evens out, our children are neither spoiled nor timid.

Pg. 417
"What it amounts to, Justin, is three fathers- four, with you- three
mothers, but four when Minerva asks to have her adolescent protection
canceled- an ever-changing number of kids to be taught and spanked and
loved- plus always the possibility of the number of parents being either
nehanved or diminished.

Pg. 485
Her father said, "Don't bother, Maureen. I'll take him up and blister his
bottom- then I'll button him."
"You and what six others?" the child demanded.
"Me, myself, and a baseball bat."

Pg. 487
She had been a good mother. She had never screamed at him (or at any of
them) and, when necessary, had used a switch at once and the matter was over
with- never that Wait-till-your-father-gets-home-routine. Lazarus could
still feel that peach switch on his calves; it had caused him to levitate,
better than Thurston the Great, at a very early age.

Pg. 514
"Woodie, you do exactly what your mother tells you to and no back talk- or
I'll bend a poker over your bottom. That's standing orders until your father
gets home from the war."

Pg. 554
"True as taxes, beloved. And It may have saved his life. I've never been
closer to infanticide than I was when we found him in the back seat."
She giggled. "Darling, I felt the same way. But I won't let anger show in
my voice even if I'm about to switch a child."

Pg. 566
Mr. Johnson shook his head and looked pleased. "That boy will go far- if
they don't hang him first. Maureen you should have spanked him and fetched
him home. Then you and Ted should have gone on your ride."
"Of, fuss, Father, I did have my ride and a very nice one; I made Woodrow
sit in the back seat and keep quite. Then I had a gay time at the park, a
bonus I would not have had if Woodrow had not invited himself along."
"Woodie had some justice on his side." Lazarus admitted. "I did promise him
an outing at Electric Park, then never kept my promise."
"Should have whacked him."
"It's too late for that, Father. And we did have fun."

Door Into Summer (1956 originally, 2003 Hardcover reprint)
No references

Expanded Universe (1980- A collection of short stories and essays from
earlier days)
Life-Line No references
Successful Operation No references
Blowups Happen No references
Solution Unsatisfactory No references
The Last Days of the United States No references
How to be a Survivor No references
Pie from the Sky No references

They do it With Mirrors
Pg. 186
Hazel looked at her as she walked away. "I'd paddle that chippie's pants,"
she muttered, "if she wore any."

Free Men No references
No Bands Playing, No Flags Flying No references
A Bathroom of Her Own No references
On the Slopes of Vesuvius No references
Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon No references
Pandora's Box No references
Where To? No references
Cliff and the Calories No references
Ray Guns and Rocket Ships No references
The Third Millennium Opens No references
Who are the Heirs of Patrick Henry? No references
"Pravda" Means Truth No references
Inside Intourist No references
Searchlight No references
The Pragmatics of Patriotism No references
Paul Dirac, Antimatter and You No references
Larger Than Life No references
Spinoff No references
The Happy Days Ahead No references
The Notebooks of Lazarus Long ( a collection of Quotes from Time Enough For
No references

The Best of Robert Heinlein (A Collection of short stories all can be found
in other collections)

The Roads Must Roll
And He Built a Crooked House
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
The Green Hills of Earth
The Long Watch
The Man Who Sold the Moon
All You Zombies

Three by Heinlein (1951 includes Puppet Masters, Waldo, Magic Inc.)
References noted under those books.

Tomorrow the Stars (1951)
Edited by Heinlein only

The Past Through Tomorrow (1967) Compilation of the future histories
Life-Line No References
The Roads Must Roll No References
Blowups Happen No References
The Man Who Sold the Moon No References
Delilah and the Space Rigger No References
Space Jockey No References
Requiem No References
The Long Watch No References
Gentlemen, Be Seated No References
The Black Pits of Luna No References
"It's Great to Be Back" No References
"-We Also Walk Dogs" No References
Searchlight No References
Ordeal in Space No References
The Green Hills of Earth No References
Logic of Empire
The Menace from Earth No References

"If This Goes On-"
Pg. 547 (of whole book) Pg. 97 (of story)
"Pooh!" said Miriam. "I dove last time I was here."
"You weren't with me, that's sure. No diving-or I'll warm your pants where
they are tightest."
"All right, Colonel Crosspatch. Come on, Mag."

Coventry No References
Misfit No References
Methuselah's Children (listed separately as a novel) No References

The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress (1966)
There were a few of Heinlein's favorite phrase "Mama spank" in here but I
haven't listed them separately as they are not really spanking related.

Pg. 261 (bottom of the page)
This we noted and asked them how many multimillion-dollar ships they cared
to use up trying it? What was it worth to try to spank us for something we
had not done?

Green Hills of Earth (1951) short story collection
All stories published in other editions.
Dr. Rufo
2008-01-25 01:27:08 UTC
I hope no one will mind that I'm continuing the Original Poster's
top-posting of comments on the subsequent materials but it ain't
worthwhile to read all the following to make my point(s).
IMHO, the Person/Persons Unknown who compiled this data has/have
not been sufficiently rigorous in delineating the concept of
"spank." I do not believe that concept can be said to equally
include the Old Man in PUPPET MASTERS defusing the reaction of an
over-protective nurse and the administration of the administrative
punishment Johnny Rico was accorded in STARSHIP TROOPERS?

This comment, below the entry for THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS,
"There were a few of Heinlein's favorite phrase "Mama spank" >in
here but I haven't listed them separately as they are not really
spanking related."
Now the best part, IMHO.
What's the point of connecting RAH to the concept of, if not merely
the word, "spank" and/or "spanking"?
Will either "Corporal Punishment and the Heinlein Juveniles" or
"Heinlein's Solipsistic World-as-Myth and Corporal Punishment" be
offered as a panel topic at some future convention?

Breath bated, I await any information.
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 22:15:50 -0500
Local: Sat, Nov 19 2005 7:15 pm
Subject: THE finished HEINLEIN spanking bibliography
After a lot of work I've finally finished the complete list of spankings
that appear in the work of Robert A. Heinlein. I had neglected to post the
finished copy, and now, following my own rule of posting something positive
and spanking orientated to counteract my recent negative posts, I am
It will be available online at Cfpublications sometime in the near future.
* * *
I have just finished the process of rereading every Heinlein book, and
making note of every major reference to spanking or spanking scene that I
came across. There are a few smaller mentions, which I am not going to
bother to note since they were very short and there are so many. Heinlein
was, for instance, very fond of the phrase "Mama spank." and it was used
frequently. Some of those are mentioned, but not all.
The quotes and scenes are, to my knowledge, exact (barring any typos). In
most circumstance, when the reference was in the middle of a section or
paragraph, I have done my best to include the whole paragraph. As much as
possible has been included, but of course, it is always better to read the
whole book and see it in context.
A lot of his stories have been reprinted in several different collections. I
have usually noted that the story was also found in other books. This list
does not include any Non-Fiction works by Heinlein, such as Tramp Royale. As
far as I know there are no references in those works. If you know of any
Sci-Fi or Fantasy novels by Robert A. Heinlein, which are not listed on this
Please bear in mind that the page numbers may differ between editions, but
all books listed here are paperbacks unless otherwise noted, so the
differences should be negligible.
Farmer in the Sky
Starship Troopers
Starman Jones
Citizen of the Galaxy
Puppet Masters
Beyond This Horizon
Have Spacesuit Will Travel
Methuselah's Children
Rocketship Galileo
Between Planets
Farnham's Freehold
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Orphans of the Sky
I will Fear no Evil
Space Cadet
Double Star
Glory Road
Tunnel in the Sky
Time for the Stars
JOB: A Comedy of Justice
Red Planet
The Day After Tomorrow (Originally published as Sixth Column)
Assignment in Eternity
The Number of the Beast
Sixth Column
The Menace from Earth
Waldo & Magic, Inc.
Stranger In A Strange Land
Podkayne of Mars
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
The Worlds of Robert Heinlein
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
The Rolling Stones
Time Enough for Love
Door Into Summer
Expanded Universe
The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
The Best of Robert Heinlein
Three by Heinlein
Tomorrow the Stars
The Past Through Tomorrow
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Green Hills of Earth
Farmer in the Sky (1950)
Pg. 61
"Dad considered it and said, "Mmm...no, he's a constitutional monarch. But
he's a monarch all right."
"You mean we have to bow down to him and say 'Your Majesty'?" Peggy wanted
to know.
Molly said, "I don't think that would be advisable, Peg."
"Why not? I think it would be fun."
Molly smiled, "Well, let me know how you make out. I suspect he will just
turn you over his knee and paddle you."
"Oh, he wouldn't dare! I'd scream."
I wasn't so sure. I remembered those four hundred million miles of dirty
dishes. I decided that if the Captain said 'frog' I'd hop.
Starship Troopers (1959)
Pg. 52
"Did your school have a course in History and Moral Philosophy?"
"What? Sure-yes, sir."
"Then you've heard the answer. But I'll give you my own-unofficial-views on
it. If you wanted to teach a baby a lesson, would you cut its head off?"
"Why...no, sir!"
"Of course not. You'd paddle it. There can be circumstances when it's just
as foolish to hit an enemy city with and H-bomb as it would be to spank a
baby with an ax."
Pg. 62
"The court sentences you," he went on, while I felt sick, "to ten lashes and
a Bad Conduct Discharge."
Pg. 63
I had never seen a flogging. Back home, while they do it in public of
course, they do it in back of the Federal Building- and father had given me
strict orders to stay away from there. I tried disobeying him on it
once...but it was postponed and I never tried to see one again.
Once is too many.
The guards lifted his arms and hooked the manacles over a big hook high up
on the post. Then they took his shirt off and it turned out it was fixed so
that it could come off and he didn't have an undershirt. The adjutant said
crisply, "Carry out the sentence of the court."
A corporal-instructor from some other battalion stepped forward with the
whip. The sergeant of the Guard made the count.
It's a slow count, five seconds between each one and it seems like much
longer. Ted didn't let out a peep until the third, then he sobbed.
Pg. 64
I had been marked "Duty," and I had that letter from my mother preying on my
mind, and every time I closed my eyes I would hear that crack! And see Ted
slump against the whipping post.
Pg. 86
Major Mallow said, "Then we'll try administrative punishment," turned to me
and said: "five lashes."
Pg. 86 (farther down)
The order read: "-in simulated combat, gross negligence which would in
action have caused the death of a teammate." Then they peeled off my shirt
and strung me up.
Now here is a very odd thing: a flogging isn't as hard to take as it is to
watch. I don't mean it's a picnic. It hurts worse than anything else I've
ever had happen to me, and the waits between stroked are worse than the
strokes themselves. But the mouthpiece did help and the only yelp I let out
never got past it.
Here's the second off thing: Nobody even mentioned it to me, not even the
other boots. So far as I could see, Zim and the instructors treated me
exactly the same afterwards as they had before. From the instant the doctor
painted the marks and told me to go back to duty it was all done with,
Pg. 87
There were other floggings but darn few. Hendrick was the only man in our
regiment to be flogged by sentence of court-martial; the others were
administrative punishment like mine, and for lashes it was necessary to go
all the way up to the Regimental Commander-which a subordinate commander
finds distasteful, to put it faintly. Even then, Major Malloy was much more
likely to kick the man out, "Undesirable Discharge," than to have the
whipping post erected. In a way, administrative flogging is the mildest sort
of compliment; it means that your superiors think that there is a faint
possibility that you just might have the character eventually to make a
soldier and a citizen, unlikely as it seems at the moment.
I was the only one to get the maximum administrative punishment; none of
the others got more than three lashes. Nobody else came as close as I did to
putting on civilian clothes but still squeaked by. This is a social
distinction of sorts. I don't recommend it.
Pg. 92
"These children were often caught; police arrested batches each day. Were
they scolded? Yes, often scathingly. Were their noses rubbed in it? Rarely.
News organs and officials usually kept their names secret-in many places the
law so required for criminals under eighteen. Were they spanked? Indeed not!
Many had never been spanked even as small children; there was a widespread
belief that spanking, or any other punishment involving pain, did a child
permanent psychic damage."
(I had reflected that my father must never have heard of that theory)
"Corporal punishment in schools was forbidden by law," he had gone on.
"Flogging was lawful as sentence of court only in one small province,
Delaware, and there only for a few crimes and was rarely invoked; it was
regarded as 'cruel and unusual punishment.'" Dubois had mused aloud, "I do
not understand objections to 'cruel and unusual' punishment. While a judge
should be benevolent in purpose, his awards should cause the criminal to
suffer, else there is no punishment- and pain is the basic mechanism built
into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards our survival. Why
should society refuse to use such a highly perfected survival mechanism?
However, that period was loaded with pre-scientific pseudo-psychological
"As for 'unusual,' punishment must be unusual or it serves no purpose."
He then pointed his stump at another boy. "What would happen if a puppy were
spanked every hour?"
"Uh...it would probably drive him crazy!"
"Probably. It certainly will not teach him anything. How long has it
been since the principal of the school last had to switch a pupil?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. About two years. The kid that swiped-"
"Never mind. Long enough. It means that such punishment is so unusual
as to be significant, to deter, to instruct. Back to these young criminals-
They probably were not spanked as babies; they certainly were not flogged
for their crimes. The usual sequence was: for first time offense, a
warning-a scolding, often without trial. After several offenses a sentence
of confinement but with sentence suspended and the youngster placed on
probation. A boy might be arrested many times and convicted several times
before he was punished- and then it would be merely confinement, with others
like him from whom he learned still more criminal habits. If he kept out of
major trouble while confined, he could usually evade most of even that mild
punishment, be given probation-'paroled' in the jargon of the time.
"This incredible sequence could go on for years while his crimes
increased in frequency and viciousness, with no punishment whatever save for
rare dull-but-comfortable confinements. Then suddenly, usually by law on his
eighteenth birthday, this so-called 'juvenile delinquent' becomes an adult
criminal-and sometimes wound up in only weeks or months in a death cell
awaiting execution for murder. You-"
He had singled me out again. "Suppose you merely scolded your puppy,
never punished him, let him go on making messes in the house...and
occasionally locked him up in an outbuilding but soon let him back into the
house with a warning not to do it again. Then one day you notice that he is
now a grown dog and still not housebroken-whereupon you whip out a gun and
shoot him dead. Comment, please?"
"Why...that's the craziest way to raise a dog I ever heard of!"
"I agree, or a child. Whose fault would it be?"
"Uh...why, mine, I guess.
"Again I agreed. But I'm not guessing."
"Mr. Dubois," a girl blurted out, "but why? Why didn't they spank little
kids when they needed it and use a dose of the strap on any older ones who
deserved it-the sort of lesson they wouldn't forget! I mean ones who did
things really bad. Why not?"
"I don't know," he had answered grimly, "except that the time-tested method
of instilling social virtue and respect for law in the minds of the young
did not appeal to a pre-scientific pseudo-professional class who called
themselves 'social workers' or sometimes 'child psychologists.' It was too
simple for them, apparently, since anybody could do it, using only the
patience and firmness needed in training a puppy. I have sometimes wondered
if they cherished a vested interest in disorder-but that is unlikely; adults
almost always act from the conscious 'highest motives' no matter what their
"But-good heavens!" the girl answered. "I didn't like being spanked any
more than any kid does, but when I needed it, my mama delivered. The only
time I ever got a switching in school I got another one when I got home- and
that was years and years ago. I don't ever expect to be hauled up in front
of a judge and sentences to a flogging; you behave yourself and such things
don't happen. I don't see anything wrong with out system; it's a lot better
than not being able to walk outdoors for fear or your life-why, that's
Starman Jones (1953)
Montgomery's face became coldly malignant. "Now you've gone too far. I'm
afraid you've earned a taste of the strap." His fingers started unbuckling
his heavy belt.
Max took a step backward. Montgomery got the belt loose and took a step
forward. Nellie squealed, "Monty! Please!"
"Keep out of this Nellie." To Max he said, "We might as well get it settled
once and for all who is boss around here. Apologize!"
Max did not answer. Montgomery repeated, "Apologize and we'll say no more
about it." He twitched the belt like a cat lashing its tail. Max took
another step back; Montgomery took another step forward and grabbed at him.
Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)
Pg. 58
"Don't be giving me orders in my own bedroom. Overgrown and unspanked you
are, if I knew that old scamp you lived with.
Pg. 110
As they stepped clear of the hoist a baby Losian came streaking up, circled
and sniffed their legs. Captain Krausa let the little thing investigate him,
then said mildly, "That's enough," and gently pushed it away. Its mother
whistled it back, picked it up and spanked it.
The Puppet Masters (1979)
Pg. 50
"Nurse," he said, "get this man a pair of shorts. I'm restoring him to
Doris faced up to him like a banty hen. "You may be the big boss, but you
can't give orders here. The doctor will.."
"Stow it!" he said. "And get those drawers."
He picked her up, swung her around, paddled her behind, and said, "Get!"
Pg. 135
He went into the operator's compartment, closed the panel, and got busy at
the communicator. I turned to Mary. She snuggled up and said, "Howdy Bud."
I grabbed her. "Don't give me that 'Bud' stuff or somebody's going to get a
Beyond This Horizon (1942)
Pg. 54
"I know!" He stabbed the air with a forefinger. "You are the woman Mordan
picked for me!"
"That's right. Of course."
"Why, damn your impudence! What the devil do you mean by invading my privacy
like this?"
"Tut!Tut!Tut! Mamma spank. Is that any way to speak to the future mother of
your children?"
"Mother of my fiddlesticks! If I needed anything to convince me that I want
to have nothing to with the scheme, you have given it to me. If I ever have
children it won't be by you!"
Pg 55
Heedless of her struggles he picked her up and carried her to a large chair
where he seated himself with her on his lap. He pinned her legs between his
knees, forced her arms behind her back until he managed to get both her
wrists in one of his fists, She bit him in the process.
With her thus effectively immobilized, he settled back, holding her away
from him, and looked at her face. "Now we can talk," he said cheerily. He
measured her face with his eye and slapped her once, not too hard but with
plenty of sting in it. "That's for biting. Don't do it again."
For Us, The Living (first novel unpublished until 2004)
Pg. 109 (way down near the bottom)
When he had finished, she scrubbed away at his back, then stepped away and
snapped him with her towel. "Ouch!" He rubbed the spot ruefully. "Was that
She grinned impishly. "No, but it was fun."
"You ought to be paddled for that."
"You'll have to catch me first." She was off down the beach, hair flying,
legs flashing. He took off after her and ran her down. He grabbed her from
behind, she struggled, and they fell down together, a laughing disorderly
heap. He tussled with her and tried to turn her over into a favorable
position for smacking, but she was lithe as an otter and nearly as slippery.
Their contortions brought their faces close to each other. He bent his head
down and kissed her on the lips.
Have Space Suit Will Travel (copyright 1958)
Pg. 65
The pairings in this scene are a boy who is about 17 and a girl who is about
11. The girl, Peewee, is a certified genius.
"What? Then you thought you had bamboozled their lock hours and hours ago-
and you didn't tell me?"
"That is correct."
"Why, I ought to spank you!"
"I don't advise it," she said frostily. "I bite."
I believed her. And scratch. And other things. None of them pleasant. I
changed the subject.
Pg. 210
In this scene (continued on page 211) the boy, Kip, and the girl, Peewee are
talking to a man from ancient Rome.
"What is that barbarian grunting?" the Roman said pleasantly. "Talk
language, boy. Or will you have ten with the flat of the sword?"
Pg. 211
Peewee clouded up. "I understood that!" she said fiercely. "Come out here
and fight!"
"Try it in Latin," I advised her. "If he understands you, he'll probably
spank you."
She looked uneasy. "You wouldn't let him?"
"You know I wouldn't."
6XH (Short story collection)
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
The Man Who Traveled In Elephants
All You Zombies
Our Fair City
And He Built A Crooked House
No References
Methuselah's Children
(Howard Family) 1958
Rocket Ship Galileo (1947)
Between Planets (1951)
Pg. 147
"You're Don Harvey. My name's Phipps- Montgomery Phipps." He spoke as if
that were sufficient explanation. "You've grown some. Last time I saw you I
walloped your britches for biting my thumb."
Don felt put off by the man's top-sergeant air. He supposed that it was
some acquaintance of his parents whom he had met in the dim reaches of
childhood, but he could not place him. "Did I have some reason to bite it?"
he asked.
"Eh?" The man suddenly gave a barking laugh. I suppose that is a matter of
opinion. But we were even: I spanked you properly." He turned to Sir Isaac.
"Is Malath going to be here?"
Farnham's Freehold (1964)
There are quite a few mentions of whips, or being whipped in this book which
I haven't included because they don't fit the standard definition. The whip
in question resembles a crop, but is electrified. The slaves are not
'whipped' they are touched at any random spot and then collapse in agony as
the shock sets off their nerve endings. The whips come in two modes one with
a stun setting and one with a kill setting apparently.
Pg. 66
"Don't get fancy. You enjoy bullying mother and you enjoyed spanking me as a
kid...until mother put her foot down and made you stop."
Pg. 79
"Just a second. Folks, meet the Rationing Officer. Take a bow, Duke." Hugh
explained the austerity program. "Duke will work it out but that's the idea.
For example, I noticed a bent nail on the ground in the powder room. That
calls for being spread-eagled and flogged."
Pg. 119
"It doesn't matter that she is my daughter. It would apply if it were
Barbara, or you, or another woman. No more heavy work for Karen. That
laundry she did today- you'll do that; you've loafed long enough. You'll
pamper her. But most urgent, there will be no more scolding, no harsh words,
no recriminations. You will be sweet and kind and gentle with her. Don't
fail in this, Grace. Or I will punish you."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I hope I won't be forced to." Hugh faced his son. "Duke. Do I have your
backing? Speak up."
"What do you mean by 'punishment," Dad?"
"Whatever we are forced to use. Words. Social sanctions. Physical punishment
if we must. Even expulsion from our group if no other choice remained."
The Man Who Sold the Moon (1951)
Let There Be Light
The Roads Must Roll
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Blowups Happen
No references in any of them
Orphans of the Sky (1963)
No references
I Will Fear No Evil (1970)
Pg. 52
Figleaf so that his mind can lie to itself- "No, no, mustn't touch; Mama
spank'-then I paint you like sex crime looking for spot marked 'X.'"
Pg. 241
He stepped to the wall and squeezed down the intercom to zero, then
said gently, "Get dressed, dear."
"I won't! If we leave now, you'll have to stuff me into the car bare
He sighed and picked her up; she stopped crying and looked suddenly happy.
The expression did not last. He turned her in his arms as he sat down on a
straight chair, got a firm grip on her, and walloped her right buttock. She
yelped. And struggled.
He got her more firmly, placing his right leg over both of hers, and
applied his hand smartly to her left cheek. Then he alternated sides,
stopping with ten. He set her on her feet and said, "Get dressed, dear.
She stopped rubbing the punished area. "Yes, Jake."
Neither said another word until he had handed her into the car, climbed in
after her, and they had been locked in.
Then she said timidly, "Jake? Will you hold me?"
"Certainly, darling."
"May I take my robe off, please? Will you take it off me?"
With the robe out of the way she sighed and snuggled in. After a bit she
whispered, "Jake darling? Why did you spank me?"
It was his turn to sigh. "You were being difficult... and it is the only
thing I know of which will do a woman good when a man can't do for her what
she needs. And right then- I couldn't."
"I see. I think I do."
She remained quiet for a while, enjoying his arms around her and breathing
against his chest. Then she said, "Dear? Did you ever spank Eunice?"
"For the same reason?"
"Not quite. Well, somewhat. She teased me into it." (I tickled him, dear.
And got the surprise of my life.)
"Then I'm glad you spanked me, too. But I'll try not to tease you- though
I'll never be the angel she was." (Fallen angel, Boss. And enjoyed it all,
clear down to the Pit.)
"Yes, Eunice?"
"I didn't really mind being spanked by you. Even when I was crying. But-
Well, I'm padded now- Built to take a spanking. And when you are spanking
me, you aren't ignoring me- and any attention is better than none. And
besides-" She hesitated.
"Besides what, Eunice?"
"Well, I don't know- but I think it happened."
"What happened?"
"Female orgasm. Well, maybe. I don't know what one is supposed to feel
like. But while I was crying and hurting; you have a heavy hand, sir-
suddenly I felt very warm inside and something seemed to grow and explode-
that's the best I can describe it. And I was ecstatically happy and didn't
mind the last few wallops, hardly noticed them. Was that a female orgasm?"
"How would I know, dearest? Perhaps you'll be able to tell me. Later."
"Later tonight?"
"Uh, I think not, Eunice. It's late and we have had nothing to eat and I'm
tired even if you aren't-"
"I am, rather. But happy."
"So tonight we'll rest. When it does happen-and I'm no longer fighting it-
let's make the first time absolutely private and quiet. No phones and no
servants and no distractions. After that-well, it might be
target-of-opportunity. But I'm not a kid. You know what I mean, darling;
you've been old, too."
"Yes, dearest, much older than you are. Eunice can wait. Jake? What was
this teasing Eunice did that was so bad it got her spanked?"
He suddenly grinned. "The little imp tickled me until I nearly went out of
my mind. So I spanked her. But we were alone and that ended satisfactorily.
"How do you think? I excelled my usual mediocre performance, and Eunice-
there aren't words for it, but she excelled her utter perfection, impossible
as that sounds." (He darn near split me like a melon, twin- and I wanted him
"So? Someday I will tickle you- and get spanked for it. So take your
vitamins, dear. Jake, you enjoyed spanking me. Didn't you?"
He was silent several moments. "I enjoyed it so much that I spanked you
neither as hard nor as long as I wanted to. And I started feeling 'young' as
you put it- but knew that, if I didn't get you out of the house right then,
you probably wouldn't leave at all. And I don't care to advertise to the
"You had better marry me. So we can ignore the servants."
"You had better shut up. You're still learning to be a girl, and I'm still
learning how to handle you. You're Eunice- but you aren't Eunice. And we
must clear legal matters before we talk about such things."
"Old mean. Girl beater. Sadist. Hold me tight."
Pg. 262
( Not the Whim-Wham-Thankee-Ma'am you managed with him. And all it got me
was a spanking. I do hope he comes home tonight.)
Pg. 266
(Are you telling me I must not think? If I could reach you, I'd spank you.)
Pg. 381
Fred kissed her quickly, nervously. Dabrowski did not kiss her; instead he
held his mouth to hers and said almost soundlessly, "Eunice, you be good to
him. Or damn, I'll spank you."
"Yes, Anton. Let me go."
Pg 432
"I accept! But -well, it's hardly worthwhile opening those packages.
They'll be disappointments."
"Would you like a spanking?"
"I'm too tired. Let's open the packages."
Pg. 436
"I love you, sir. But I will not marry you."
"I ought to spank you."
I don't think it would do me any damage darling. But I don't think you
could bring yourself to strike a pregnant woman." (Now kick him in the other
shin, Boss. You little hellcat.) (Eunice stay out of this row. I'm not only
a woman scorned; I'm also old Johann Smith who never could be pushed too
far. Jake can have us anytime, sure. But I'm damned if I'll let him be
'noble' about it when I'm knocked up.) (Boss, aren't we ever gonna marry
him? This is a mistake, dear; he needs us.) (And we need him, Eunice. Sure,
we'll marry him- after we've whelped. After.) (Boss, you're making a big
mistake.) (If so, I'm making it. I never make little mistakes-just big
"I didn't say I was going to spank you, Eunice- I said I 'ought' to. What
happened? I distinctly remember you telling me that you had taken care of
Pg. 464
"Beloved, the day I'm jealous of a little girl I want you to beat me. Not
spank me. Beat some sense into me, woodshed style."
Space Cadet (1948)
Pg. 111
"It's like trying to keep order in a nursery with a loaded gun instead of a
Friday (1982)
"Stop joking. Stop this instant! Or. So help me, when I get you home I'll
paddle you. Marjorie, I've never laid an ungentle hand on you- on any of my
wives. But you are earning a spanking."
Pg. 91
"Now...are you going to stay? Or am I going to have to hide your clothes and
beat you?"
"I don't want to be beaten."
"Too bad, I was looking forward to it."
Pg. 355
As a youngster she was no meaner than any of the others and the usual
moderate ration of spankings was enough to straighten her out. I think she
is quite a nice person, which pleases me as she is the only child of my body
even though she is no relation to me.
Double Star (1956)
Pg. 20
Then he would take off his belt and stimulate my brain. Father was a
practical psychologist and believed that warming the glutei maximi with a
strap drew excess blood away from a boy's brain.
Pg. 61
"I am honored to meet you mademoiselle."
"I wish I could say the same!"
"Stow it, Penny, or I'll spank your round fanny - at two gravities."
Glory Road (1963)
Pg. 112(last paragraph)-113
"Hold your tongue, you bad-tempered brat! You have not earned the right to
speak to me that way. Nor will any girl ever have the right. You will
always-always!-address me politely and with respect. One more word of your
nasty rudeness and I'll spank you until the tears fly."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Get your hand away from that sword or I'll take it away from you, down your
pants right here on the road, and spank you with it. Till your arse is red
and you beg for mercy. Star, I do not fight with females- but I do punish
naughty children. Ladies I treat as ladies. Spoiled brats I treat as spoiled
brats. Star, you could be the Queen of England and the Galactic Overlord all
rolled into one- but ONE MORE WORD out of line from you, and down come your
tights and you won't be able to sit for a week. Understand me?"
At last she said in a small voice, "I understand, milord."
Pg. 140
"No, milord," she said firmly, "if wife I am to be, I shall be a good wife
and not permit you to skip meals."
"Henpecking already. I think I'll beat you
"As you will milord. But you must eat, you are going to need your strength-"
"I certainly will!"
"-for fighting."
Pg. 149
"Are you honing for a kick in the belly?" she added, "American!"
"Wife...would you kick me in the belly?"
She was slow in answering and her voice was very low. "No, milord husband.
"I'm pleased to hear it. But if you did, what would happen?"
"You-you would spank me. With my own sword. But not with your sword. Please,
never with your sword...my husband."
"Not with your sword, either. With my hand. Hard. First I would spank you.
And then-"
"And then what?"
I told her. "But don't give me cause."
Pg. 242
"Go fetch your sword, wench. That paddling is long overdue."
Suddenly she grinned, all hoyden. "But darling, my sword is in Karth-Hokesh.
Don't you remember?"
"You can't avoid it this time!" I grabbed her. Star is a handful and
slippery, with amazing muscles. But I'm bigger and she didn't fight as hard
as she could have. Still I lost skin and picked up bruises before I got her
legs pinned and one arm twisted behind her. I gave her a couple of hearty
spanks, hard enough to print each finger in pink, then lost interest.
(Skip to bottom of page then carries over to 243)
"I'd rather be kept on bad behavior. But- while you're feeling mellow- if
you are- I had best tell you another thing- and take my spanking if I must.
"You're too anxious. One a day is maximum, hear me?"
"As you will, sir. Yassuh, Boss man. I'll have my sword fetched in the
morning and you can spank me with it at your leisure. If you think you can
catch me. But I must tell this and get it off my chest."
Pg. 244
She sighed with relief. "I didn't know and should not have slipped it into
your coffee. Do I rate a spanking?"
"We'll add it to the list you already rate and give them to you all at once.
Probably cripple you. Star, how long is 'Long-Life'?"
Pg. 250
"Yes, Oscar. Okay!"
"Better. Unless you're honing for another spanking. And I'm too tired.
Pg. 259
A dancing girl (evidently a secretary) was fussing over papers and tapes.
Rufo slapped her fanny out, gave me a comfortable chair, a drink, put
cigarettes near me, sat down and said nothing.
Tunnel in the Sky (1955)
Pg. 116
Rod said urgently, "Jack, remember what I said about petty jealousies? So
help me, you make trouble and I'll paddle you."
"You aren't big enough!
"I'll get help."
Pg. 207
Hope turned up a beaming face. "'Ood babe!" she asserted.
"I saw you." Caroline upended her, gave her a spat that would not squash a
fly, then picked up Grant Throxton.
Time for the Stars (1956)
Pg. 74
"So you should have smacked him. The only thing wrong with that boy is that
his parents should have walloped him instead of telling him how bright he
The Star Beast (1954)
Pg. 250
He sighed deeply. "You have me there. All I can say is that there are
situations which I am forced to accept, knowing them to be wrong, and others
that I need not accept. If you were my own daughter I would paddle you. No."
She grinned at him. "I'll bet I outweigh you."
Job: A Comedy of Justice (1984)
Pg. 134
"Wash out your mouth for talking about divorce. Ask my pardon for daring to
think that I would ever divorce you under any circumstances whatever. If you
are ever naughty enough, I may beat you. But I would never put you away."
Pg. 245
"Food we do have, dear man. I have an Oh Henry in my tote."
I stopped abruptly. "Woman if you are joking, I'm going to beat you."
"I'm not joking."
"In Texas it is legal to correct a wife with a stick not thicker than one's
thumb." I held up my thumb. "Do you see one about this size?"
"I'll find one."
Pg. 273
"Hi Daddy. Kiss kiss."
"In a pig's eye. When was the last time I spanked you?"
"My ninth birthday. When I set fire to Aunt Minnie. What did I do now?"
Pg. 275
Katie Farnsworth said conversationally, "Gerald keeps trying to dominate his
daughter. Hopelessly of course. He should take her to bed and discharge his
incestuous yearnings. But they are both too prissy for that."
"Woman remind me to beat you."
"Yes dearest. You wouldn't have to force her."
Red Planet (1949)
Pg. 53
"You'll what?" He paused. "Your precious pet won't be hurt. Now get back in
that bed before I thrash you." He turned again and left without stopping to
see whether or not his order had been carried out.
The Day After Tomorrow (1941) (Originally published as Sixth Column)
No references.
Assignment in Eternity (1953 first printed 1987)
Short stories-
Pg. 71
He turned to her. "Woman, you spoke of matrimony. If you ever do manage to
marry me, I'll beat you."
Pg. 88
-Gail are you still shopping for a husband?
- I've found him.
-Marry me and I'll beat you every Saturday night.
- The man who can beat me hasn't been born.
- I'd like to try.
No mentions
Lost Legacy
No mentions
Jerry Was a Man
No mentions
The Number of the Beast (1980)
Pg. 49
"I'll try," Zebbie agreed. "But Sharpie, don't chatter and keep your
comments to the point. Or I'll ask Pop to give you a fat lip."
"He wouldn't dast!"
"So? I'm going to give him a horsewhip for a wedding present-besides the
Weird Tales, Jake: you get those too. But you need a whip. Attention,
"Yes, Zebbie. And the same to you doubled."
"Do you know what 'precess' means?"
"Certainly. Precession of the equinoxes. Means that Vega will be the North
Star when I'm a great-grandmother. Thirty thousand years or some such."
"Correct in essence. But you're not even a mother yet."
"You don't know what happened last night. I'm an expectant mother. Jacob
doesn't dare use a whip on me."
Pg. 58
"At any orgy, my wife will pick the guests and send the invitations."
"Thank you, sir. I'll wait until you seem bored, then look over the crop and
pick out a choice selection for you. Assorted flavors and colors."
"My Princess, I will not spank a pregnant woman. But I can think about it."
Pg. 125
But the victims really are sick and somewhat out of their heads. So I held
her mouth closed and whispered into her ear. "Chew it, Aunty darling, and
swallow it, or I'm going to spank you with a club."
Shortly I could feel her chewing. After several minutes she relaxed. I asked
her, "Is it safe for me to ungag you?"
She nodded. I took my hand away. She smiled wanly and patted my hand.
"Thanks Deety." She added, "You wouldn't really bear Aunt Sharpie."
"I sure would, darling. I'd cry and cry and wallop you and wallop you. I'm
glad I don't have to."
Pg. 299
"Quite right, Bertie. You now have the opportunity to persuade me to support
you in your crisis. Your King-Emperor is not our prince; we place no faith
in princes. We have no reason to love Russians but we spanked the only one
who gave us trouble. IN what way is the British colony superior to the
Russian one?"
Pg. 419
[Zeb thinking about Hilda] (If it were not for upsetting Jake, I would
paddle that pert little arse.)
Pg. 422
[Lazarus about his twin sisters/daughters/wives] Laz and Lor were outwitting
their elders by the time they were six, a process I encouraged by walloping
them whenever I caught them. They learned.
Pg. 424
"Thank you, Zebbie. I'm safe. I was safe when he was armed but he was being
insolent so I spanked him."
Pg. 465
"None that I know of, Woodrow. Not me, certainly. You were a little hellion;
I should have spanked you much oftener than I did."
Sixth Column (1941) (see The Day After Tomorrow)
No references
The Menace From Earth ( 1959)
Short stories- No references in any of them
The Year of the Jackpot
By his Bootstraps
Columbus Was a Dope
The Menace From Earth
Sky Lift
Goldfish Bowl
Project Nightmare
Water is for Washing
Waldo & Magic, Inc. (1940)
Two stories-
No references
Magic, Inc.
Pg. 129
"So?" she answered, put out a hand and grabbed him by the nape of the neck
and swung him across her lap, face down. She snatched off a shoe and whacked
him soundly with it. He let out one yelp, then kept silent, but jerked every
time she struck him.
When she was through she stood up, spilling him to the ground. He picked
himself up and hurriedly scrambled back into his own circle, where he stood,
rubbing himself. Mrs. Jennings's eyes snapped and her voice crackled; there
was nothing feeble about her now. "You gnomes are getting above yourselves,"
she scolded. "I never heard of such a thing! One more slip on your part and
I'll fetch your people to see you spanked!"
Stranger In A Strange Land (Original uncut version printed in 1991- Trade
Pg. 54
The notion that she, Jill Boardman, who had never experienced anything worse
than a spanking as a child and an occasional harsh word as an adult, could
be in physical danger was almost impossible for her to believe.
Pg. 195
She added, "I think I'll have hysterics now."
Harshaw grinned. "You do and I'll spank you. All right, put Dorcas down for
a bonus for 'extra hazardous duty.'
Pg. 248
Miriam said out of the corner of her mouth: "Boss-did you sprain your back
doing hand stands before last?"
"Quiet, girl, or I'll paddle you."
Pg. 257
"... and the first rule we passes- unanimously, I should add- was that
henceforth we would always call our mothers, 'Crosspatch.' Silly, of
course...but we were very young. Mr. Kung, can you deduce the outcome of
that 'rule'?"
"I won't guess, Dr. Harshaw."
"I tried to implement our "Crosspatch' decision just once. Once was enough
and it saved my chum from making the same mistake. All it got me was my
young bottom warmed with a peach switch. And that was the end of the
'Crosspatch' decision."
Pg 258
"I underestimated my Mother's power to punish a small boy's impudence. That
lesson was cheap, a bargain. But this planet cannot afford such a lesson on
a planetary scaled. Before we attempt to parcel out lands which do not
belong to us, it behooves us to be very sure what peach switches are hanging
in the Martian kitchen.
Pg. 461
"Jubal, sometimes I wish you were small enough to spank. May I finish what I
was saying?"
Pg. 495
"Jill told me, that if you argued, I was to cry. Shall I get my tears all
over your chest? And share water with you that way?"
"I'm going to spank Jill!"
"Yes, Jubal. I'm starting to cry."
Pg. 498
"There are ways. Want to make a small bet?"
"You go on heckling me and you'll find you're not too big to spank. How've
you been girl?"
Podkayne of Mars (1993 trade-paperback version with both endings.
Heinlein's original and the one originally published.)
Pg. 7-8
Daddy would have walloped him properly. Daddy, although a historian,
is devoted to the latest progressive theories of child psychology and
applies them by canalizing the cortex through pain association whenever he
really wants to ensure that a lesson will not be forgotten. As he puts it so
neatly: "Spare the rod and spoil the child."
I canalize most readily and learned very early indeed how to predict and
avoid incidents which would result in Daddy's applying his theories and his
hand. But in Clark's case it is almost necessary to use a club simply to
gain his divided attention.
Pg. 89
I should have known. The Captain hesitated a split second as he
started down the hatch and snapped, "Come along, Miss Fries."
I came. He always calls me "Poddy"- and his voice had spank in it.
Pg. 138
There have been times in the past when Clark has lent me money against my
allowance- and charged me exactly 100 percent interest come allowance day.
Till daddy caught on and spanked us both.
Uncle was just sitting, looking like Prometheus enduring the eagles. I put
my hand in his and said, "Uncle Tom? I wish you would spank me."
"Eh?" He shook his head and seemed to see me. "Flicka! Why?"
"Because it's my fault."
Pg. 204
"Nothing to it. Just point it at 'em and press the button. Better use both
hands. And don't shoot unless you really need to."
"All right."
I smacked her behind. "Now get going. See you later."
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1985)
Future Histories
Pg. 40
"Please don't be macho, Richard. Not when we're so busy."
"'Macho' is a put down word, Gwen. Using it again calls for a spanking; use
it a third time and I beat you with this here cane.
Pg. 133-134
I said, "That isn't necessary, Gretchen. Once we're inside this
pressure and can turn out suits back to you, there's no reason for you to
"Mr. Richard, are you yearning to have me spanked?"
"You? 'Spanked'? Why, your father wouldn't do that. To you?-a grown
woman, almost."
"You might tell Mama that. No, Papa wouldn't; he hasn't for years and
years. But Mama says I'm eligible until the day I first marry."
Pg. 136
"Oh. First we should go to Quiet Dreams tunnel and spread our bedrolls to
hold our places so that we can all sleep together"- at which point I learned
for the first time why Gretchen's bedroll was so enormous: her mother's
foresight, again- "but before that we had better put your names down with
Lilybet for the bus... and before that, let's get those ice-cream cones if
you're as hungry as I am. Then, last thing before dinner, we should go see
Charlie about p-suits."
Borodin's Double-Dip Dandies, served by Kelly Borodin himself, who offered
to sell me (in addition to lavish cones) used magazines from Earth, barely
used magazines from Luna City and Tycho Under, candy, lottery tickets,
horoscopes, Lumaya Pravda, the Luna City Lunatic, greeting cards (genuine
Hallmark imitations), pills guaranteed to restore virility, and a sure cure
for hangovers, compounded to an ancient Gypsy formula. Then he offered to
roll me double or nothing for the cones. Gretchen caught my eye, and barely
shook her head.
As we walked away, she said, "Kelly has two sets of dice, one for
strangers, another for people he knows. But he doesn't know that I know it.
Sir, you paid for the cones...and now, if you don't let me pay you back,
I'll get that spanking. Because Mama will ask me and I will have to tell
I thought about it. "Gretchen, I have trouble believing that your mother
would spank you for something I did."
"Oh, but she would, sir!" She will say that I should have had my money out
and ready. And I should have."
"Does she spank really hard? Bare bottom?"
"Oh, my, yes! Brutal."
"An intriguing thought. Your little bottom turning pink, while you cry."
"I do not cry! Well, not much."
"You spoke, dear?"
"Stop it."
"Mama spank."
I accepted from Gretchen the price of the cones. I'm henpecked.
Pg. 140-141
Sometime later-an hour? Two hours? - I came awake because a warm body
cuddled against me. I murmured, "Now, hon?" Then I came a bit wider awake.
"It's me, Mr. Richard. Would you really want to see my bottom turn all
pink? And hear me cry?"
I whispered tensely, "Honey, get back over by the wall."
"No, dear."
Pg. 197
"I made Bill give it back. What he had left, I mean; he should have had
three times as much. I'm afraid Bill is one of those weaklings who can't
carry money without spending it. I must figure out how to spank him for it
till he learns better."
Pg. 237
"Richard, I can't."
"I don't like to beat you in public-"
"So don't."
"So I won't."
Pg. 271
"Yes, dear? I wanted to ask Ezra-"
"Richard, I did something without consulting you."
"So? Am I going to have to beat you again?"
"You may decide to."
Pg. 279
"Gretchen went with that friend and returned the fez herself. She dropped
it at lost-and-found in Old Dome just before she came to the Raffles to find
"I see. But why?"
"She wants you to paddle her bottom, dear, and turn it all pink."
"Oh, nonsense! I meant, 'Why did her daddy let her hitchhike to L-City with
this neighbor?' She's much too young."
"He let her do so for the usual reason. Jinx is a big, strong, macho man
who can't resist the wheedling of his daughter. Forbidden to satisfy his
suppressed incestuous yearnings he lets her have anything she wants if she
teases him long enough."
"That's ridiculous. And inexcusable. A father's duty toward his daughter
requires that-"
"Richard. How many daughters do you have?"
"Eh? None. But-"
"So shut up about something you know nothing about. No matter what Jinx
should have done, the fact is that Gretchen left Dry Bones about as we were
having lunch. Counting time of flight, that put her at City Lock East around
the time we left the Warden's complex...and she arrived at the Raffles just
seconds before we did- and a good thing, too, or you and I would be dead. I
"Did she get into the fight?"
"No, but by carrying you she freed me to cover our retreat. And all because
she wants you to paddle her bottom. God moves in mysterious ways, dear; for
every masochist He creates a sadist; marriages are made in Heaven."
"Wash your mouth out with soap. I am not a sadist."
"Yes, dear. I may have some details wrong, but not the broad picture.
Gretchen has proposed formally to me, asking your hand in marriage."
Pg. 285
"No! Ingrid is not my boss...and neither are you. Grandma Hazel, when I left
home I was a child and virgin and timid and I knew nothing of the world. But
now I am no longer a child and I have not been a virgin for years and I am a
combat veteran who cannot be frightened by anything." She looked squarely
into my eyes. "I will not use a baby to trap Richard into marriage."
"But, Gretchen, you are not trapping me; I like babies. I want to marry
"You do? Why?" She sounded sad.
Things were too solemn; we needed some skid. "Why do I want to marry you,
dear? To paddle your bottom and watch it turn pink."
Gretchen's mouth dropped open, then she grinned and dimpled. "That's
"Is it, eh? Possible having a baby doesn't call for a marriage in these
parts, but spanking is another matter. If I spank some other man's wife, he
might get annoyed or she might or both. Chancy. Likely to get me talked
about. Or worse. If I spank a single girl, she might use it to trap me when
I don't love her and don't want to marry her but was simply spanking her
pour le sport. Better to marry you; you're used to it, you like it. And you
have a solid bottom that can take it. A good thing, too- because I spank
hard. Brutal."
"Oh, pooh! Where did you get this silly notion that I like it?" (Why are
your areolae so crinkled, dear?) "Hazel, does he really spank hard?"
"I don't know, dear. I would break his arm and he knows it."
"See what I'm up against, Gretchen? No innocent little pleasures; I'm
underprivileged. Unless you marry me."
"But I-" Gretchen suddenly stood up, almost swamping the float table,
turning away and swarmed out of the pool, started running south, out of the
garden court.
Pg. 286
"Me? Woman, you're out of your mind. I just want to get her into a
helpless situation so that I can paddle her bottom whenever I like and make
it turn pink. Hard. Brutal." I threw out my chest, tried to look macho- not
too convincingly; I was going to have to do something about that paunch.
Pg. 287
"Later, Richard. After you've had time to polish it. Richard tells
excellent bedtime stories."
"When I'm not paddling, that is. Xia, does your bottom turn pink?"
Pg. 308
"Richard," Hilda went on, "despite what you heard me say, I don't think
badly of Lazarus. I have borne one child by him...and I go that far only
with men I respect. But Lazarus does have his little ways; it is necessary
to spank him from time to time. Nevertheless I love him."
Pg. 351
She accepted it, dabbed at her eyes. "Brute. Aunt Til, you should have
spanked him oftener."
"Wrong aunt, dear. That was Aunt Abigail, now gone to her reward."
Aunt Abby was brutal," I commented. "Used a peach switch on me. And enjoyed
"She should have used a club."
Pg. 358
So why did I stand up?" (Because Aunt Abby had stripped my calves for any
failure whatever in politeness to my elders?)
Pg. 375
"I'll fetch soup and more of your picnic. Forty-five minutes until you nap;
that's official. Til says so."
"Remind me to beat you."
"Yes, dear. But not today; you're exhausted."
Pg. 381
"So Abby was your mother in every way but biology."
"Uncle, Aunt Abby was the best mother a boy could want. Look, those peach
switching were good for me. I know it.
The Worlds of Robert Heinlein ( 1966)
Free Men
Blowups Happen
Solution Unsatisfactory
No references
To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987)
Future Histories
Pg. 5
"And then I'll come down to your office and find you, Mister monster
Munster, and pull you out of your chair and sit down in it myself and turn
you over my knee and take your pants down and- Did I mention I'm from
Hercules Gamma? Two and a half gravities surface acceleration; we eat your
sort for lunch. So stay where you are; don't make me hunt for you."
"Madam, I regret that I must tell you that you cannot sit in my chair."
"Want to bet?"
"I do not have a chair; I am securely bolted to the floor."
Pg. 17-18
"Analyze the Ten Commandments," he ordered. "Tell me how they should read.
In the meantime, if I hear just once more that you have lost your temper,
then when your mother sends you to discuss the matter with me, you had
better have your McGuffey's Reader tucked inside your bloomers."
"Father, you wouldn't"
"Just try me, carrot top, just try me. I will enjoy spanking you."
An empty threat-He never spanked me once I was old enough to understand why
I was being scolded. But even before then he had never spanked me hard
enough to hurt my bottom. Just my feelings.
Mother's punishments were another matter. The high justice was Father's
bailiwick; Mother handled the low and middle-with a peach switch. Ouch!"
Pg. 30
"Oh, Father, you are so good to me!"
"Stop the sarcasm or I'll paddle your pants. Bring me a preliminary report
in a month or six weeks."
Pg. 115-116
When Brian got home, I told him about it. I had considered keeping it
myself. But we had reached a friendly agreement three years earlier
concerning how and when we each could adulterate our marriage without
offending or damaging the other. So I decided to make a clean breast of it
and accept a spanking if he thought I rated it. I thought I did rate a
spanking...and if it was a truly hard spanking, that would be an excuse to
cry and that would probably wind up wonderfully.
Pg. 143
Then sated but still coupled, we would argue over whether or not I had put
on a five-dollar performance. Which could result in tickling, biting,
wrestling, spanking, laughing, and another go at it, with much bawdy joking
Pg. 160
We had established earlier in our marriage that some occasions were for the
entire family...and some were for Mama and Papa alone- children would stay
home and not whine about it, lest the middle justice be invoked. (Mother had
used a peach switch; I found that one from an apricot tree worked just as
Pg. 168-169
"Oh, Papa, don't be mean to me. I need to be cuddled. I need to be hugged."
"I know what you need but you are not going to get it from me. Now get
"What if I won't? I'm too big to spank."
He sighed. "So you are. Daughter, you are an enticing and amoral bitch, we
both know it and have always known it. Since I can't spank you, I must warn
you. Get out this instant... or I will telephone your husband right now,
tonight, and tell him he must come home at once as I am unable to carry out
my responsibilities to him and to his family. Understand me?"
"Yes, sir."
Pg. 183
Woodrow was unbearable; I had to refrain from switching him too often.
Pg. 280
Unavoidable. Susan, I wish you were unmarried just long enough for me to
spank you.
Pg. 338
"That's your problem. Donald, you two have outworn both my patience and my
resourcefulness. You ignore my advice and disobey necessary orders and you
are each too big to spank. I have nothing else to offer."
Pg. 388
Galahad said, "Mama Maureen, these vows will not be broken. We simply
promise each other to share in taking care of our children- support them and
spank them and love them and teach them, whatever it takes.
The Rolling Stones (1952)
Future Histories
Pg. 28
"What's wrong with my age? I used to paddle you twice a week and I can
still do it."
Pg. 232-233
"Of course not. Pipe down, Lowell! I'll have us home in three-quarters of
an hour and Lowell can have his nap or his spanking on time, as the case may
Pg. 237
"That's better," approved Hazel. "Want to play a game of chess?"
"Sissy. You're afraid I'll beat you. I'll beat you three spanks and a
knuckle rub."
Lowell considered this. "I get the white men?"
"Take 'em. I'll beat you anyhow."
Pg. 248-249
"Enough." He reached for his waist; the twins noticed that he was wearing
an old-fashioned piece of apparel- a leather belt. He took it off. "This
belonged to your grandfather- who in turn left it to me. I don't know how
far back it goes- but you might say that the stone family was founded on
it." He doubled it and tried it on the palm of his hand. "All of us, all the
way back, have very tender memories of it. Very tender. Except you two." He
again whacked his palm with it.
Caster said, "You mean you're going to beat us with that?"
"Have you any reason to offer why I shouldn't?"
Castor looked at Pollux, sighed and moved forward. "I'll go first, I'm the
Roger moved to a drawer, put the belt inside. "I should have used it ten
years ago." He closed the drawer. "It's too late, now."
"Aren't you going to do it?"
"I never said I was going to. No."
The twins swapped glances. Castor went on, "Dad- Captain. We'd rather you
Pollux added quickly, "Much rather."
"I know you would. That way you'd be through with it. But instead you're
going to have to live with it. That's the way adults have to do it."
"But Dad-"
"Go to your quarters, sir."
Time Enough for Love (1973)
Future Histories
Pg. 59
But no matter how carefully a plebe tried to meet impossible standards,
about once a week some first classman would decide that he needed
punishment- arbitrary punishment without trial. This could run from mild,
such as exercises repeated to physical collapse- which David disliked as
they reminded him of "honest work" -up to paddling on the buttocks. This may
strike you as nothing much, Ira, but I'm not speaking of paddling children
sometimes receive. These beatings were delivered with the flat of a sword or
with a worn-out broom that amounted to a long, heavy club. Three blows
delivered by a grown man in perfect health would leave the victim's bottom a
mass of purple bruises and blood blisters, accompanied by excruciating pain.
Pg. 92
[Lazarus to Dora his Sentient Spaceship]"You can stay awake and bore
yourself silly any way you choose. But if you whomp up some fake emergency
to get my attention, I'll spank you."
"But, Boss, you know I never do that."
"I know you do do that, little imp. But if you bother me for anything less
than somebody trying to break into you or you catching on fire, you'll
regret it. If I can figure out that you've set yourself on fire, you'll
catch it twice as hard.
Pg. 134
Lazarus answered, "Granddaughter, if I weren't so old and tired, I would
spank you."
Pg. 210
I agreed and added that apparently they had gone out of their silly minds
while I wasn't watching. "I have here a bunch of silly nonsense from a
lawyer, along with a ridiculous draft. If I could reach you, dear, I would
paddle you. Better let me talk to Joe."
Pg. 222-223
[ Lazarus to another sentient computer]"Humph! Meaning that human concepts
of moral responsibility are not machine concepts. Dear, I wish you were a
human girl with a spankable bottom long enough for me to spank it- I would!
Pg. 316
"They'll behave." I was sure they would. Dora and I had the same ideas
about raising kids. Praise them, never scream at them, punish as necessary
and right now- never a moment's delay- then it's over with and forget it. Be
as lavish with affection after a spanking as any other time- or a bit extra.
Spanking they had to have (Dora usually used a switch) because, without
exception over the centuries, my kids have been hell-raisers who would take
advantage of the sweetness-and-light routine.
Pg. 329
I finally removed that one and several plates that followed it, those
showing normal delivery, and posted them, to save wear and tear on my books-
then announced that they could look at those pictures all they wanted to,
but to touch one was a spanking offense- then was forced to spank Iseult to
keep justice even, which hurt her old father more than it did her baby
bottom even though she saved my face by applauding my gentle paddling with
loud screams and tears.
Pg. 360
[Lazarus to yet another sentient computer] "Teena, if I could reach through
that string of wires, I'd spank you," Lazarus added.
Pg. 365
"- and immaterial in any case, as we three, Lazarus, Lorelei and I, are
identical triplets and therefore enjoy the same rights under any rational
jurisdiction... which unfortunately this is not. So he beats us. Illegally
and brutally."
"Captain, remind me to get a bigger club."
"Aye aye, sir. But we're fond of Buddy Boy anyhow, despite his
masochosadistic behavior. Because he's really us. You see?"
Pg. 395
Ishtar looked troubled. "Grandfather, I don't understand."
"She calls me that when I've been naughty," the Senior confided in me.
"It's her way of spanking me. "
Pg. 401
"Lazarus has firm ideas on raising children. Athene keeps eye and ear on
them- but can't pick them up. Lazarus says a frightened child needs to be
picked up and cuddled now, not later. He believes in spanking right now,
too; it evens out, our children are neither spoiled nor timid.
Pg. 417
"What it amounts to, Justin, is three fathers- four, with you- three
mothers, but four when Minerva asks to have her adolescent protection
canceled- an ever-changing number of kids to be taught and spanked and
loved- plus always the possibility of the number of parents being either
nehanved or diminished.
Pg. 485
Her father said, "Don't bother, Maureen. I'll take him up and blister his
bottom- then I'll button him."
"You and what six others?" the child demanded.
"Me, myself, and a baseball bat."
Pg. 487
She had been a good mother. She had never screamed at him (or at any of
them) and, when necessary, had used a switch at once and the matter was over
with- never that Wait-till-your-father-gets-home-routine. Lazarus could
still feel that peach switch on his calves; it had caused him to levitate,
better than Thurston the Great, at a very early age.
Pg. 514
"Woodie, you do exactly what your mother tells you to and no back talk- or
I'll bend a poker over your bottom. That's standing orders until your father
gets home from the war."
Pg. 554
"True as taxes, beloved. And It may have saved his life. I've never been
closer to infanticide than I was when we found him in the back seat."
She giggled. "Darling, I felt the same way. But I won't let anger show in
my voice even if I'm about to switch a child."
Pg. 566
Mr. Johnson shook his head and looked pleased. "That boy will go far- if
they don't hang him first. Maureen you should have spanked him and fetched
him home. Then you and Ted should have gone on your ride."
"Of, fuss, Father, I did have my ride and a very nice one; I made Woodrow
sit in the back seat and keep quite. Then I had a gay time at the park, a
bonus I would not have had if Woodrow had not invited himself along."
"Woodie had some justice on his side." Lazarus admitted. "I did promise him
an outing at Electric Park, then never kept my promise."
"Should have whacked him."
"It's too late for that, Father. And we did have fun."
Door Into Summer (1956 originally, 2003 Hardcover reprint)
No references
Expanded Universe (1980- A collection of short stories and essays from
earlier days)
Life-Line No references
Successful Operation No references
Blowups Happen No references
Solution Unsatisfactory No references
The Last Days of the United States No references
How to be a Survivor No references
Pie from the Sky No references
They do it With Mirrors
Pg. 186
Hazel looked at her as she walked away. "I'd paddle that chippie's pants,"
she muttered, "if she wore any."
Free Men No references
No Bands Playing, No Flags Flying No references
A Bathroom of Her Own No references
On the Slopes of Vesuvius No references
Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon No references
Pandora's Box No references
Where To? No references
Cliff and the Calories No references
Ray Guns and Rocket Ships No references
The Third Millennium Opens No references
Who are the Heirs of Patrick Henry? No references
"Pravda" Means Truth No references
Inside Intourist No references
Searchlight No references
The Pragmatics of Patriotism No references
Paul Dirac, Antimatter and You No references
Larger Than Life No references
Spinoff No references
The Happy Days Ahead No references
The Notebooks of Lazarus Long ( a collection of Quotes from Time Enough For
No references
The Best of Robert Heinlein (A Collection of short stories all can be found
in other collections)
The Roads Must Roll
And He Built a Crooked House
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
The Green Hills of Earth
The Long Watch
The Man Who Sold the Moon
All You Zombies
Three by Heinlein (1951 includes Puppet Masters, Waldo, Magic Inc.)
References noted under those books.
Tomorrow the Stars (1951)
Edited by Heinlein only
The Past Through Tomorrow (1967) Compilation of the future histories
Life-Line No References
The Roads Must Roll No References
Blowups Happen No References
The Man Who Sold the Moon No References
Delilah and the Space Rigger No References
Space Jockey No References
Requiem No References
The Long Watch No References
Gentlemen, Be Seated No References
The Black Pits of Luna No References
"It's Great to Be Back" No References
"-We Also Walk Dogs" No References
Searchlight No References
Ordeal in Space No References
The Green Hills of Earth No References
Logic of Empire
The Menace from Earth No References
"If This Goes On-"
Pg. 547 (of whole book) Pg. 97 (of story)
"Pooh!" said Miriam. "I dove last time I was here."
"You weren't with me, that's sure. No diving-or I'll warm your pants where
they are tightest."
"All right, Colonel Crosspatch. Come on, Mag."
Coventry No References
Misfit No References
Methuselah's Children (listed separately as a novel) No References
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress (1966)
There were a few of Heinlein's favorite phrase "Mama spank" in here but I
haven't listed them separately as they are not really spanking related.
Pg. 261 (bottom of the page)
This we noted and asked them how many multimillion-dollar ships they cared
to use up trying it? What was it worth to try to spank us for something we
had not done?
Green Hills of Earth (1951) short story collection
All stories published in other editions.
2008-01-25 01:27:22 UTC
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?

Michael Black
2008-01-25 03:15:04 UTC
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
Because he should have been spanked for the cross-posting?

He continues his less than stellar participation by posting some
old article without actually saying anything. People like that
should be spanked, because these are discussion newsgroups, and
someone who merely points to somewhere else, be it spammer or
someone who thinks they are "scooping" someone else, or merely
posts someone elses article is confusing newsgroups with a newspaper.
If someone doens't have anything to say, then why are they posting?

As for spanking in Heinlein, I suspect it does break down to two
distinct things, play spanking and punishment of juveniles. And I
honestly expected the post (which I've yet to go through carefully)
would be about the first.

I think one obvious reference is missing. In "Farmer in the Sky",
whatshisname says something to his father early on, and the father
looks like he's going to spank or hit whatshisname.

2008-01-25 06:25:47 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
Because he should have been spanked for the cross-posting?
He continues his less than stellar participation by posting some
old article without actually saying anything. People like that
should be spanked, because these are discussion newsgroups, and
someone who merely points to somewhere else, be it spammer or
someone who thinks they are "scooping" someone else, or merely
posts someone elses article is confusing newsgroups with a newspaper.
If someone doens't have anything to say, then why are they posting?
As for spanking in Heinlein, I suspect it does break down to two
distinct things, play spanking and punishment of juveniles. And I
honestly expected the post (which I've yet to go through carefully)
would be about the first.
I think one obvious reference is missing. In "Farmer in the Sky",
whatshisname says something to his father early on, and the father
looks like he's going to spank or hit whatshisname.
went through a couple lines... one of the 'spanking' references was a
public whipping (as in cat'o'nine).

Possibility of a "spam king" (referring to the length of the post) or
"span king" (referring to the previous xpost) misogyny.

"My name is Ozymandias, look on my works, ye mighty and... wait, come
back, I haven't finished talking yet..... yoohoo..... hey......"

2008-01-25 07:20:42 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
Because he should have been spanked for the cross-posting?
He continues his less than stellar participation by posting some
old article without actually saying anything. People like that
should be spanked, because these are discussion newsgroups, and
someone who merely points to somewhere else, be it spammer or
someone who thinks they are "scooping" someone else, or merely
posts someone elses article is confusing newsgroups with a newspaper.
If someone doens't have anything to say, then why are they posting?
As for spanking in Heinlein, I suspect it does break down to two
distinct things, play spanking and punishment of juveniles. And I
honestly expected the post (which I've yet to go through carefully)
would be about the first.
I think one obvious reference is missing. In "Farmer in the Sky",
whatshisname says something to his father early on, and the father
looks like he's going to spank or hit whatshisname.
I don't know whether he's a he or a she but it kinda looks like she
wrote the original email herself which means she read all the works just
to find the reference for which she was looking. It's all about
Heinlein, it's not posted to any group but this, it's neither
cross-posted nor off topic. I don't know why she would claim to have
just "found" it while poking around, though.

Reading all the works is pretty impressive and nothing about which to
whine that they don't have anything to say.

So, I still ask, what's the intent? You guys over there on
soc.sexuality.spanking got a project going where you examine all of
human literature and find all the references to spanking? When you get
to music and find "Paddlin' Madeline Home," read carefully for context.

2008-01-25 16:51:10 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author. (kessily)
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
The writer was certainly very, very, ambitious.
I try to not speculate on another person's intent
(for as we see below - such speculations can go
very far astray).
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
Because he should have been spanked for the cross-posting?
I do not particularly think so.
(but try to be humble enough to accept others may
have justification to feel differently).
Sometimes the proof is in the pudding.
My prior "new post" to the group was not about Heinlein
(but I note other frequent posters who seem appreciated by
this group, have also gotten into other authors).
I had a 'hunch' that others in this group had read and
had opinions on Griffin, and turns out, that was very correct.
Post by Michael Black
He continues his less than stellar participation
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Although I have no ambition to be "stellar" here,
I do always wish to be informative and generally pleasant
in posting to a newsgroup.
Post by Michael Black
by posting some old article
Yes, it was old. But it appeared that it had never been
posted to this group. It was certainly directly on topic, and again
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
without actually saying anything. ----
True enough. I hesitated, and then decided to add
nothing really of my own, because I had no idea what
to add. Decided to let it stand on it's own.
it kinda looks like she wrote the original email herself -
Perhaps it looks to you that way, but
a) I'm not nearly that ambitious
a1) I have not read all those books,
a2) much less taken detail notes for that topic.
b) Considering my first posts in this group
being a 'newbie' and asking for advice, -
and the times of the original writer -
Sorry, I am just not capable of that much work to decieve.
I don't know why she would claim to have
just "found" it while poking around, though. ---
You guys over there on soc.sexuality.spanking
What to say? If my simple truth the first time is not
believed, why bother to repeat?
Perhaps, because some want to see/hear it again.
About 24 hours ago, I was using a search engine for
all newsgroups. I found the post in question unexpectedly.
I thought some here might find it worthwhile.
I have never 'subscribed' to that group.
It's all about Heinlein,
it's not posted to any group but this,
it's neither cross-posted
nor off topic.
Reading all the works is pretty impressive and nothing about which to
whine that they don't have anything to say.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Icky. Icky and depressing.

Want something original?
Do you ever see a stranded motorist and stop to help?
I used to do it a lot. Made me feel good about myself,
just to solve a problem, and see a smile and hear a "thank you".
I still do it at times, but not as much as I used to.
Why? Because more and more often - those attempts
to help, turn into 'icky and depressing'.
You see a person who is clearly having a real problem
with changing a flat tire. You stop, park, start to walk back,
and they see you, they get all panicky, dive into their car,
lock their doors, wave "go away", and start screaming into a
cell phone. Good intentions, but caused nothing but
distress for them, and loss of time, some risk, and
sadness for me.
So why ever do it?
Do you recall what words Heinlein spoke about the
stranger who lost his life trying to help the lady with her
foot stuck in the train tracks?
"This is how a man lives. And this is how a 'man' dies."

I trend to not paint myself into a corner by making
statements like, "I'll never do that again."
But frankly, if today I were to find something about
Heinlein, I am sure less likely to bother to post here.
That should make Mr. Black happy.
2008-01-25 17:54:22 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
Because he should have been spanked for the cross-posting?
He continues his less than stellar participation by posting some
old article without actually saying anything. People like that
should be spanked, because these are discussion newsgroups, and
someone who merely points to somewhere else, be it spammer or
someone who thinks they are "scooping" someone else, or merely
posts someone elses article is confusing newsgroups with a newspaper.
If someone doens't have anything to say, then why are they posting?
As for spanking in Heinlein, I suspect it does break down to two
distinct things, play spanking and punishment of juveniles. And I
honestly expected the post (which I've yet to go through carefully)
would be about the first.
I think one obvious reference is missing. In "Farmer in the Sky",
whatshisname says something to his father early on, and the father
looks like he's going to spank or hit whatshisname.
As LN notes, the poster is the author of the 'research'; also included
as "spanking" is the public whipping scene in 'Citizen of the Galaxy'
(or ST or whatever). Why not include being shot or stabbed in the back
in that case? though I disrecall any incidents in Heinlein's works where
*that* happens.

What's odd is that the posting and the previous (Griffin) aren't even
remotely flammable material, yet the poster insists on acting as if
he/she expects it to be treated as one.

Please don't feed the trolls.


"My name is Ozymandias, look on my works ye migh... hey! come back! I
haven't finished talking to you yet... aw c'mon... nooooooooooo...":

Spam King Troll - 2008

2008-01-25 06:31:58 UTC
Post by LN
Post by a425couple
Found this while searching for something totally different.
Certainly perfectly "on topic" for this group.
Understand it's ok to post something already posted on newsgroups.
Not revised or changed, all credit to author.
Someone here might like to read this and have never seen it.
(I'm posting it as a bit of mea culpa, for group being so kind
and helpful about my recent 'border-line' OT question.)
Ambitious. Intent?
... trying to get us to start a Neal Asher (nee lasher) thread :)
